Homeopathy Initiated by Samuel Hahnemann MD
Samuel Hahnemann MD [1755–1843] was a German physician who was appalled at the results of conventional medical care and refused to prescribe the drugs and bleeding used by physicians of his day.
“Hahnemann attacked the extreme medical practices of the day, advocating instead good public hygiene, improved housing conditions, better nutrition, fresh air, and exercise.” 1)Lockie, Andrew; Natural Health, Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Dorling DK Kindersley, London, England, New York, NY, 2000, p.14
He believed that if a person with symptoms of illness were given a large dose of a substance that would produce the same symptoms as the illness, then if this same substance were diluted to minute doses and ingested, it would stimulate the body to heal itself.
Homeopathy is a discipline of therapy for illness that Hahnemann initiated and has been used ever since. It is a method of treatment utilizing an extremely diluted preparation of a “mother tincture” of a substance. It started in Germany and spread throughout Europe and was brought to the US in the 1830’s. It became very popular and was commonly practiced until the ascendancy of scientific medicine. After the turn of the century and in the early part of the 20th century, there were twenty-two medical schools following this type of discipline in the US. There were more than one hundred hospitals, and over one thousand pharmacies devoted to homeopathic medicine. 2)Ankeberg, John; Weldon, John; Can yYou Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Brentwood, TN, p. 264 It was commonly practiced in the United States as people were able to purchase a home kit of homeopathy remedies and treat themselves. A home medical text dated 1918, was reviewed which has over two hundred pages of instructions and guidelines for homeopathy treatments for home use. By the mid 1900’s, the use of homeopathy had almost died out in the US. Hahnemann once took a large dose of Peruvian bark [quinine] while he was healthy and said that he developed symptoms of malaria. He thereafter initiated the theory that if small doses of quinine were administered, standard doses would not be needed to treat malaria.
It is very important to understand Hahnemann’s world view in order to comprehend the rationale of his conclusions regarding disease, its cause and treatment. Understanding his belief in man’s origin will help to clarify why he formed certain conclusions.
“First Hahnemann was a follower of the powerful spiritist and medium Emanuel Swedenborg. Those familiar with the occultic philosophy and theology of Swedenborg, such as his blending of the world of nature and the occult, can recognize the parallels in Hahnemann’s thinking. Andrew Weil received his M.D. from Harvard Medical School, is a research associate in Ethnopharmacology at Harvard, and is somewhat sympathetic with aspects of new age medicine. He observes that Hahnemann was ‘steeped in the mysticism of Emanuel Swedenborg.’ ” 3)3
“Hahnemann was also a Freemason, and as the authors have demonstrated elsewhere, the study of Freemasonry presents an excellent opportunity for delving into mysticism and the occult.”4)Ankerberg, John, Weldon, John; Can you Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Brentwood TN., [sold to Word] p. 316
“Hahnemann was also an admirer of the occultists Paracelsus and Mesmer.”5) Gumpert, Martin; Hahnemann: The Adventurous Career of a Medical Rebel, L.B. Fisher 1945, New York, NY, p. 25
He was a believer in the concept of animal magnetism, which is the same as psychic healing. In his Organon (text book on homeopathy) he confessed similarities between the practice of homeopathy and mesmerism. He wrote:
“I find it yet necessary to allude here to animal magnetism, as it is termed, or rather Mesmerism… It is a marvelous, priceless gift of God…by means of which the strong will of a well intentioned person upon a sick one by contact and even without this and even at some distance, can bring the vital energy of the healthy mesmerizer endowed with this power into another person dynamically… The above mentioned methods of practicing mesmerism depend upon an influx of more or less vital force into the patient…”6)Hahnemann, Samuel; Organon of Medicine, 6th edition, reprint, B Jain Pub. New Delhi, India, 1978, pp. 309, 311 Reported in Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 316
Hahnemann was also influenced by animism and Eastern religion. In discussing his writings and other leading homeopaths, Dr. H. J. Bopp, In his book Homeopathy, comments:
“As a matter of fact the vocabulary is esoteric and the ideas are impregnated with oriental philosophies like Hinduism. The predominant strain of pantheism would place God everywhere, in each man, each animal, plant, flower, cell, even in homeopathic medicine.”7)Bopp, H.J.; Homeopathy, Down, North Ireland, Word of Life Pub. 1984, p. 9
Dr. Samuel D. Pfeifer, in his book Healing at Any Price, mentions the influence of Eastern thinking upon Hahnemann by quoting a biographer who reveals that
“…he is strongly attracted to the East. Confucius is his ideal.” Dr. Pfeifer
“On Confucius, Hahnemann himself writes in a letter:
‘This is where you can read divine wisdom, without [e.g., Christian] miracle–myths and superstition. I regard it as an important sign of our times that Confucius is now available for us to read. Soon I will embrace him in the kingdom of blissful spirits, the benefactor of humanity, who has shown us the straight path to wisdom and to God, already six hundred sixty years before [650 B.C.] the arch-enthusiast.”8) Pfeifer, Samuel M.D., Healing at Any Price, Word Limited, 1988; Milton Keynes, England p. 68 [Jesus Christ, Divine Son of God].
His reverence for Eastern thought was the fundamental philosophy behind the preparation of homeopathic remedies. Hahnemann claimed inspiration, as seen in a letter he wrote to the town clerk of Kothen in 1828. He said he had been:
“guided by the invisible powers of the Almighty, listening, observing, tuning in to His instruction, paying most earnest heed and religious attention to this inspiration.”9)Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 318
Hahnemann believed in universal energy or “vital force” as some called it. He believed that the power, or effects, of his minutely diluted remedies resulted from the working of the vital force. Hahnemann’s vital force, which is believed to rule the physical body, is similar to the soul, or the etheric and astral bodies of many occult disciplines.10)Pfeifer, op. Cit., pp. 68–69 11)Ibid..
What does this mean? In holistic health there is a teaching that there is a cosmic force permeating all creation and this force is transmitted from the cosmos by seven frequency levels, six above the speed of light. Level one is at speed of light and is said to be our material world and our physical bodies. This belief teaches that the frequency levels of energy above the first level are in a plane with “frequencies faster than light,” and that four mythical bodies are formed and surround the physical body by the next two higher levels of frequency, they are the etheric body, an electromagnetic template of our physical body, and the astral body. From the astral body we have out of body experiences and astral travel. Then there are the causal and mental bodies overlaying these first two.
From the above paragraph we understand their belief that the vital force in the remedies of homeopathy is purported to be actually influencing and treating the higher frequency levels or bodies rather than just the physical body. This is truly mysticism.
Because homoeopathists operate in the realm of the “invisible” and not in that of the visible and material, many of them admit to the belief that homeopathic medicines really work upon the etheric or astral bodies.
“This is where disease begins and spreads outward into the physical body presenting as symptoms.”12)Tyler, op. cit., pp. 18–22, 75; Reported in Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 326
“This is why a number of occultic religions such as Hinduism and anthroposophy employ homeopathy. Its philosophy fits well with their occultic views of man and health.”13)Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 326
The power that is transmitted directly in psychic healing through the laying on of the healer’s hand, or from a distance, is no different than the power to heal that occurs in the homeopathic remedy. Homeopathic practitioners claim that a cosmic vital force is transferred from the homeopathic medicine into the patient. But the same effect is supposedly accomplished by radionic machine or instrument devices which employ spiritistic power.14)Weldon, John; Levitt, Zola; Psychic Healing An Exposé of an Occult Phenomenon, Moody Press, 1982, pp. 53–65 Using these devices, it is said, makes the use of homeopathic remedies unnecessary.
This system is built on the theory that:
- Most diseases are caused by an infectious disorder called the psora, [itch];
- Life is a spiritual force [vitalism] which directs the body’s healing;
- Remedies can be discerned by noting the symptoms that substances produce in overdose [proving], and applying them to conditions with similar symptoms in highly diluted doses [laws of similia];
- Remedies become more effective with greater dilution [law of infinitesimals], and become more potent when containers are tapped on the heel of the hand or a leather pad [potentizing].15)Position Paper of National Council Against Health Fraud, Feb 1994; p. 5 http://www.ncahf.org/pp/homeop.html (If unable to open web site then type in to Internet “National Council against Health Fraud” and scroll to “position papers 16)Ibid., pp. 3–4
“Proving” is a term used to describe the process used by homeopathic practitioners to select new substances for inclusion in the list of therapeutic remedies. A substance will be tested by taking it in high doses, then recording the symptoms it creates. It may be taken daily in high doses for as long as a month, and any type of sensation or supposed change is recorded during this time.
“Consider the alleged ‘symptoms’ of chamomilla as given by Hahnemann in his Materia Medica Pura 1846, Vol. 2, pp. 7—20]: ‘Vertigo… Dull…aching pain in the head…Violent desire for coffee…Grumbling and creeping in the upper teeth….Great aversion to the wind…Burning pain in the hand….Quarrelsome, vexatious dreams…heat and redness of the right cheek.’”17)Stalker, Douglas, Glymour, eds.; Examining Holistic Medicine, Buffalo, NY, Prometheus books, 1985, p. 32, Sobel, David S., ed.; Ways of Health: Wholistic Approaches to Ancient and Contemporary Medicine, Harcourt Brace Jovanich, New York, NY, 1979 pp. 295–297 Reported in Ankerberg, op. cit., p.. 274
One author, writing about Hahnemann, said he [Hahnemann] documented thirteen pages of symptoms from taking chamomilla. If such is the case when healthy people take this substance, how can we expect it to cure sick people?18)Ankeberg, Can you Trust Your Doctor?, op. cit., pp. 275–276
A very interesting comment about “proving” of the remedies, is made by Ankerberg in Can You Trust Your Doctor? p. 273. The remedies that are listed in the homeopathic Materia Medicas, when tested or proved over the past 150 years by non-homeopaths have never given the responses found by homeopaths.
In a pharmacy with inventory of more than two thousand homeopathic remedies, how do I select the proper substance that is closest to one’s symptoms? This is the decision the homeopathic doctor has to make when prescribing for a patient. Homeopathy teaches that it is important to get the exact medicinal for the specific illness and the patient’s constitution. The following procedures may be used to choose a specific substance for therapy.
- Astrological signs or other modes of astrology may be used to determine the proper diagnosis and therapy.19)Bopp, op. cit., p. 5
- Dr. Bopp writes about the use of the pendulum in choosing the proper remedy for homeopathic treatment. Dr. A. Voegeli, a famous homeopathic doctor, has confirmed that a very high percentage of homeopaths work with the pendulum.20)Ibid., p. 8 Dr. Pfeifer also notes the use of pendulums by homeopaths because “it is easier to take a short cut with the radionic pendulum.”21)Pfeifer, op. cit., pp. 79–80
- John Weldon, author of PSYCHIC HEALING An Exposé of an Occult Phenomenon, reports that many homeopaths today have spirit guides and research on homeopathy is done in séances. There are groups whose [homeopathic] research is carried out during séances, through mediums who seek information from spirits.22)Ankerberg, John; Weldon, John; op. cit., pp. 328–329
Dr. Bopp tells in his book, Homeopathy, about a woman who worked in a homeopathic laboratory in France. She told the story herself of an interview she had on applying for a job in a specific homeopath laboratory. She was asked about which astrological sign she was born under, and whether or not she was a medium. She told the sign and answered “yes” to the question about being a medium. She was then informed that new treatments to be produced by the laboratory were researched in séances.23)Bopp, op. cit., p. 8
As the doctors of the past used large doses of toxic drugs, eclectic physicians discontinued the use of mercury and some of the heavy toxic substances. They tended to be better at diagnosing, but prescribed small doses for every symptom. The homeopathic physician, though ridiculing conventional doctors, continued to use toxic drugs in his treatments. He simply used extremely weak dilutions. The following are examples of drugs used in homeopathy: “Nux vomica [strychnine], sulphur, lobelia [nicotine], phosphorus, ipecac, hydrochloric acid, alcohol, lead, arsenic, colchicine, jalap, senna, mercury, aconite, belladonna [atropine], podophyllum, camphor, veratrum, staphysagria, opium, quinine, cantharides, croton oil, phosphoric acid, tartar emetic, iodine, and numerous other agents.”24)Marcy, E.E. and Hunt, F.W.; The Homeopathic Theory and Practice of Medicine, Vol. I, pp. vii-xxxii; Reported in Hardinge op. cit., p. 82
The solution made by repeated dilution often surpasses the point of having any molecules of the original substance left, yet the homeopathic doctor claims these extreme dilutions are the most potent of the preparations. How can this be? Let us consider the process of dilution.
When each dilution takes place the solution is shaken vigorously, by hitting the hand that holds the dilution on a hard surface so as to thump the solution. This is called succession. It is claimed that this process causes the remedy to be more potent. This is believed to be the critical part in preparation of the remedies. Notice the following comments by leading homeopaths Dana Ullman and Stephen Cunnings.
“Homeopaths have found that the medicines do not work if they are simply diluted repeatedly without vigorous shaking or if they are just diluted in vast amounts of liquid. Nor do the medicines work if they are only vigorously shaken. It is the combined process of dilution and vigorous shaking that makes the medicine effective…”25)Ullman, Dana; Cummings, Stephen; The Science of Homeopathy, New Realities, [journal] Summer of 1985 p. 50
How can the medicine get stronger and stronger with increasing dilution? The homeopathic practitioner says that the solution [water] receives an imprint or signature from the original substance [mother tincture] and this is passed along, thereby increasing the potency. Chemists and physicists find no scientific evidence to support this theory.26)Position Paper, op. cit.
There have been homeopaths who claimed that homeopathic remedies act similar to vaccinations, a theory that was quickly and unwisely accepted by some adherents of homeopathy. When a vaccination is administered, the immune system manufactures protective proteins, and stimulates specific white blood cells to respond to the organism or allergen contained in the vaccination. A memory is created within the immune system which allows it to respond powerfully to this specific organism or allergen should it be encountered at another time.
The proponents of homeopathy claim that the small homeopathic dose will trigger an immune response. This is not true. The quantity of active ingredients in the homeopathy remedy usually is too small to trigger an immune response. A vaccination will have far greater concentration of an organism or allergen. The response of the body from an immunization can be measured chemically. The high-dilution homeopathic remedies do not produce measurable responses. Vaccines are used as prevention, not as a cure.
Homeopathic remedies have no relationship to immunization science.
Materials for use in remedies are finely ground or dissolved in water. They are then mixed with a solvent, and the mixture is allowed to soak. The fluid containing the original substance is then filtered or strained. The filtered solution–the mother tincture–is placed in a dark jar for keeping.
One drop of the mother tincture will be diluted with either nine or ninety-nine parts solvent, and then shaken vigorously and banged down firmly on a hard surface, a process devised by Hahnemann. Homeopathy teaches that the essence [imprint] can be carried by water even after all molecules of the original substance are diluted out of the solution. Once the mixture has reached the required strength and potency, a few drops of it are added to lactose tablets, pills, granules, or powder to impregnate them with the remedy. These are then stored in dark glass bottles.
Dilutions are made starting with one part of the mother tincture and nine parts solution [1–X]. With each additional dilution the labeling would be 2–X, 3–X, etc. When dilutions go beyond 24–X there may not be one molecule left of the mother tincture in the solution.
Homeopaths do not depend on molecules of the original substance to effect healing. They are looking to the signature or energy imprint of the original substance to be passed on and magnified by dilution. This signature or imprint said to be in water has not been scientifically demonstrated.
Below are given examples of common “remedies” listed in Natural Health, Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, by Dr. Andrew Lockie, [2000]:
“Mercury: found in cinnabar ore from Spain, Italy, US, Peru, China Rx for symptoms:
a. Foul smelling discharge
b. Reserved, suspicious state of mind
c. Insecurity
d. Copious perspiration that does not relieve condition
e. Person feels worse at night
“Hellborus: Southern Europe–extremely poisonous Rx for symptoms:
a. Mental dullness
b. Chilliness
c. Tendency to drop things
d. Person feels worse between 4 pm and 8 pm
“Aconite: Europe, Central Asia–deadly poisonous, handling root can cause poisoning Rx for symptoms:
a. Symptoms triggered by shock or cold wind
b. Panic attack and fear of death
c. Acute infection with sudden onset
“Nux Vomica: [strychnine] [poison nut tree] India, Burma, Thailand, China, Rx for symptoms:
a. Irritability
b. Over-critical nature
c. Tendency to be highly driven and ambitious
d. Chilliness
e. Desire for rich foods
“Carcinosin: Cancer cells usually from breast Rx for symptoms:
a. Workaholic, of passionate nature
b. Conditions that are affected by being at the beach
c. Desire for travel
d. Desire for butter or chocolate
e. Sleeping difficulty
“Medorrhinum: White blood cell infected with gonorrhea from male urethra, [pus] Rx for symptoms
a. Behavior extremes
b. Harried feeling
c. Extremely passionate
d. Person feels better from lying on the abdomen in evening
Remember, there are more than 2000 remedies in the homeopathy pharmacy! In review, homeopathy came from the concept of one man’s beliefs which were not scientifically verified. However, it had a great advantage over the common medical care of his day. He did not advocate the use of harmful drugs in large doses. He promoted not only good personal hygiene, but also good hygienic conditions for the home and its surroundings. Diet, fresh air and exercise were also part of his regimen. The remedies [substances given in minute doses] were given credit for the improvements in health, without any scientific evidence to verify that they had anything to do with improvement.
Studies have been done to test the value of these remedies but there is no clear proof that they have any effect on the body in minute doses. Larger [more concentrated] doses when used have shown some effect on the system. This effect may not always be good. Some remedies available may contain regular modern drugs added to them so they will have an effect on human physiology.
There has been a strong effort on the part of believers in alternative therapeutic modalities to scientifically explain the perceived effects of such methods as acupuncture, homeopathic, therapeutic touch, Rolfing, osteopathic, chiropractic, hypnosis, and many other therapy techniques. James Oschman in his book, ENERGY MEDICINE The Scientific Basis, makes a strong argument for the scientific explanation. He presents the recent advances in the understanding of electromagnetic physiology in biology. Some researchers, who are adherents of the concept of vitalism, have reported advances in laboratory research of electromagnetic discharges of body, organs, cells and molecules. Other researchers are unable to reproduce these same laboratory results. The gap between hypothesis and true scientific proof of cause and effect is still wide. Many believers in alternative medicine, or energy medicine, tend to proclaim that energy medicine is now proven to be scientific. They have ignored this gap of proof in a presumptuous manner.
Controlled studies of homeopathic remedies, when done by the homeopaths, tend to show positive results. However, most other studies do not support these positive results. Studies should be repeated by objective investigators, with independent analyses of the homeopathic formulations employed, to assure that they have not been adulterated with active medications.
A recent meta-analysis of one hundred and seven controlled homeopath trials appearing in ninety-six published reports also found:
“the evidence of clinical trials is positive but not sufficient to draw definitive conclusions because most trials are of low methodological quality and because of the unknown role of publication bias.” The reports also concluded that there is a legitimate case for further evaluation of homeopathy, “but only by means of well performed trials.” [Kleijnen, 1991].”27)Ibid., p. 5
In the British medical journal Lancet August 27, 2005, a large study made by the University of Berne in Switzerland reported the results of a meta-analysis of one hundred and ten trials each of homeopathy and conventional medicine. No convincing evidence was found that the homeopathic approach to illness was any different from using a placebo. Conventional medicine did significantly better.
April 19, 2010 Med J Aust. 192(8):458-60 carried an article Homeopathy: what does the “best” evidence tell us? The author Edzard Ernst of Peninsula Medical School, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom summarized his study of homeopathy as follows:
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (generally considered to be the most reliable source of evidence) was searched in January 2010….DATA EXTRACTION: Each of the six reviews was examined for specific subject matter; number of clinical trials reviewed; total number of patients involved; and author’s conclusions. The reviews covered the following conditions: cancer, attention-deficit defect, hyperactivity disorder, asthma, dementia, influenza and induction of labour. DATA SYNTHESIS: The findings of the reviews were discussed narratively (the reviews; clinical and statistical heterogeneity precluded meta-analysis). CONCLUSIONS: The finding of currently available Cochrane reviews of studies of homeopathy do not show that homeopathic medicines have effects beyond placebo. http://www.cochrane.org/evidence
Homeopathy not a cure, says WHO. Homeopathic remedies often contain few or no active ingredients. People with conditions such as HIV, TB and malaria should not rely on homeopathic treatments, the World Health Organization has warned. It was responding to calls from young researchers who fear the promotion of homeopathy in the developing world could put people’s lives at risk.28)http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8211925.stm
The group, Voice of Young Science Network, has written to health ministers to set out the WHO view. Objective evidence that homeopathy is effective on these infections does not exist says Dr. Nick Beeching, Royal Liverpool University Hospital by letter June 2010, to WHO. The doctors from the UK and Africa said:
We are calling on the WHO to condemn the promotion of homeopathy for treating TB, infant diarrhea, influenza, malaria and HIV. Homeopathy does not protect people from, or treat, these diseases. Those of us working with the most rural and impoverished people of the world already struggle to deliver the medical help that is needed. When homeopathy stands in place of effective treatment, lives are lost.29)Ibid..,
A researcher in bimolecular science at the University of St Andrews, Dr. Robert Hagan, and a member of Voice of Young Science Network, part of Sense About Science promoting “evidence-based” care said:
We need governments around the world to recognize the dangers of promoting homeopathy for life-threatening illnesses. We hope that by raising awareness of the WHO’s position on homeopathy we will be supporting those people who are taking a stand against these potentially disastrous practices.30)Ibid..,.
Dr. Mario Raviglione, director of the Stop TB department at the WHO, said:
Our evidence-based WHO TB treatment/management guidelines, as well as the International Standards of Tuberculosis Care do not recommend use of homeopathy.31)Ibid..,..
Physicians also complained that homeopathy was being promoted as a treatment of children with diarrhea. A representative of the WHO department of child and adolescent health and development said:
We have found no evidence to date that homeopathy would bring any benefit. Homeopathy does not focus on the treatment and prevention of dehydration – in total contradiction with the scientific basis and our recommendations for the management of diarrhea.32)Ibid..
Dr. Nick Beeching, a specialist in infectious diseases at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, said:
Infections such as malaria, HIV and tuberculosis all have a high mortality rate but can usually be controlled or cured by a variety of proven treatments, for which there is ample experience and scientific trial data. “There is no objective evidence that homeopathy has any effect on these infections, and I think it is irresponsible for a healthcare worker to promote the use of homeopathy in place of proven treatment for any life-threatening illness.”33)Ibid.,.,.
In June 2010 Delegates to the British Medical Association’s conference were expected to support seven motions opposing the use of public money to pay for remedies which they claimed have no place in modern medicine and health care. Hundreds of delegates called for a ban on funding homeopathic remedies by the National Health Service. The British Medical Society’s position comes as a result of an absence of evidence that use of homeopathic remedies are more effective than placebo.
In the first half of the 20th century, the twenty-two homeopathy medical schools in the United States closed or converted to regular medical schools. With the advance of scientific evaluation in medical care, the old harmful way of using dangerous drugs slowly changed. The homeopathic doctor was no longer having better results than the M.D. The public turned to science-driven medicine. There is now a resurgence of homeopathy among New Age adherents and some others that consider it to be more “natural.” Its return in America is not based on science, but is the end result of the belief in Vitalism. A man’s belief in his origin has great influence in his choice of healing methods.
Reference is made again to James L. Oschman, a biology scientist, who, in his book, Energy Medicine, The Scientific Basis, speaks of his belief in alternative medicine therapies and of having felt the electrical charges enter his body as applied by energy therapists. He expresses his belief that these electrical charges are explained by electromagnetism. He writes that the electromagnetism of one person can restore to balance the electromagnetism of another. He tells of laboratory testing of healers using therapeutic touch and other methods with tools for measuring electromagnetic charges. He admits to the problem of the reproducibility of these experiments by other investigators.
We have received wise counsel regarding the type of medical care we choose, following God’s “will” versus gain and life itself:
“ …Those who give themselves up to the sorcery of Satan may boast of great benefit received thereby, but does this prove their course to be wise or safe? What if life should be prolonged? What if temporal gain should be secured? Will it pay in the end to disregard the will of God? All such apparent gain will prove at last an irrecoverable loss. We cannot with impunity break down a single barrier which God has erected to guard His people from Satan’s power.”34)White, E.G., Testimonies for the Church Vol. 5, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, 1882, p. 199
The words of a Christian physician who has written on this subject are shared with you:
“There are to be sure some honorable and conscientious ones seeking to utilize a homeopathy detached from its obscure practices. Yet, the occult influence, by nature hidden, disguised, often dissimulated behind para-scientific theory, does not disappear and does not happen to be rendered harmless by the mere fact of a superficial approach contenting itself simply with denying its existence. Homeopathy is dangerous. It is quite contrary to the teaching of the word of God. It willingly favors healing through substances made dynamic, that is to say, charged with occult forces. Homeopathic treatment is the fruit of a philosophy and religion that are at the same time Hinduistic, pantheistic and esoteric.”35)Bopp, op. cit., p. 9
When God led Israel from Egypt to Canaan He gave them health laws and statutes. Israel was the only nation in the history of the world that had a medical and health system that was based on prevention. The Mosaic health code is medically and scientifically reliable, based on sound physiology and proven principles of hygiene.36)Hubbard, op. cit., p. 23
When God led Seventh-day Adventists in health reform starting in 1848, He gave directions and guidance that are based on the physical laws of the universe. These directions are in harmony with today’s understanding of physiology and hygiene. They are built on the principle that we were created and placed under the laws of the physical universe, and our bodies operate according to those laws. With repetition of definition:
“Disease is the effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health.”37)Ibid.,,..
It is not from an imbalance of energy.38)White, E.G., Temperance, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA 1877, p. 85
God gave specific directions for developing a healing center so that His methods could be practiced. In 1865, such a center was started and in the space of forty years, was one of the greatest health centers of its type in the world. It prospered so long as it followed the directions God gave. At that time, homeopathy was in its zenith in the United States, but God did not direct His people to use homeopathy in the health institutions. This article is concluded with presenting the following comment made by Ellen White with regard to the practice of regular medicine and homeopathic medicine.
“When the great question of health reform was opened before me, the methods of treating the sick were plainly revealed to me. The old-school cruel practice and the sure results, where one claimed to be benefited, thousands were made lifelong invalids who, had they never seen a physician, would have recovered of themselves without implanting in their system diseases of a most distressing character.
Eclectic [medical doctors using same drugs but very small doses] was less dangerous. The homeopathy, which creates so deadly opposition from the regular practice, was attended with far less evil consequences than the old-school practice, but did much harm because it could be resorted to so easily and used so readily with so little expense. Many practice upon themselves and fall back upon this without real knowledge of their ailments, and do great harm to themselves. Proper regulation of their diet, abstinence from tea, coffee, and all spices and flesh meats, gaining an intelligent knowledge of temperance, would be medicine above all drugs. (emphases by author)
“But Dr. Maxson… I told him [that] after the whole system of drug medication had been laid open before me, I was shown of God that we should have an institution conducted on hygienic principles, and in that institution lectures should be given not on how to use drugs, not to lead minds and educate them in the methods of drug using, but to teach people the better way—to live healthfully and do without drugs. The words were repeated, Educate! Educate! Educate!
“I then saw that an intelligent knowledge of pure air, and use of it wisely and abundantly, and simple healthful food taken into the stomach temperately, eating and drinking to the glory of God, and ten thousand would be well who are now sick. Then I was taken from room to room and shown disease and its causes, and the result of drug medication. I was then shown through rooms of a hygienic institution that was conducted on hygienic principles and these simple means–sunlight, pure air, healthful habits. Constant instruction needs to be given, line upon line, precept upon precept, in regard to the necessity of clean bodies, clean houses and clean premises. Breathing clean air would preserve health without the use of drugs.”39)White, E.G., Manuscript Releases/20MR No. 1497; Ellen G. White Estate Inc. Washington DC, pp. 373–374
This article is adapted from chapter 10 in the book Exposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing by Edwin A. Noyes M.D., MPH
↑1 | Lockie, Andrew; Natural Health, Encyclopedia of Homeopathy, Dorling DK Kindersley, London, England, New York, NY, 2000, p.14 |
↑2 | Ankeberg, John; Weldon, John; Can yYou Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Brentwood, TN, p. 264 |
↑3 | 3 |
↑4 | Ankerberg, John, Weldon, John; Can you Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Brentwood TN., [sold to Word] p. 316 |
↑5 | Gumpert, Martin; Hahnemann: The Adventurous Career of a Medical Rebel, L.B. Fisher 1945, New York, NY, p. 25 |
↑6 | Hahnemann, Samuel; Organon of Medicine, 6th edition, reprint, B Jain Pub. New Delhi, India, 1978, pp. 309, 311 Reported in Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 316 |
↑7 | Bopp, H.J.; Homeopathy, Down, North Ireland, Word of Life Pub. 1984, p. 9 |
↑8 | Pfeifer, Samuel M.D., Healing at Any Price, Word Limited, 1988; Milton Keynes, England p. 68 |
↑9 | Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 318 |
↑10 | Pfeifer, op. Cit., pp. 68–69 |
↑11 | Ibid. |
↑12 | Tyler, op. cit., pp. 18–22, 75; Reported in Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 326 |
↑13 | Ankerberg, op. cit., p. 326 |
↑14 | Weldon, John; Levitt, Zola; Psychic Healing An Exposé of an Occult Phenomenon, Moody Press, 1982, pp. 53–65 |
↑15 | Position Paper of National Council Against Health Fraud, Feb 1994; p. 5 http://www.ncahf.org/pp/homeop.html (If unable to open web site then type in to Internet “National Council against Health Fraud” and scroll to “position papers |
↑16 | Ibid., pp. 3–4 |
↑17 | Stalker, Douglas, Glymour, eds.; Examining Holistic Medicine, Buffalo, NY, Prometheus books, 1985, p. 32, Sobel, David S., ed.; Ways of Health: Wholistic Approaches to Ancient and Contemporary Medicine, Harcourt Brace Jovanich, New York, NY, 1979 pp. 295–297 Reported in Ankerberg, op. cit., p.. 274 |
↑18 | Ankeberg, Can you Trust Your Doctor?, op. cit., pp. 275–276 |
↑19 | Bopp, op. cit., p. 5 |
↑20 | Ibid., p. 8 |
↑21 | Pfeifer, op. cit., pp. 79–80 |
↑22 | Ankerberg, John; Weldon, John; op. cit., pp. 328–329 |
↑23 | Bopp, op. cit., p. 8 |
↑24 | Marcy, E.E. and Hunt, F.W.; The Homeopathic Theory and Practice of Medicine, Vol. I, pp. vii-xxxii; Reported in Hardinge op. cit., p. 82 |
↑25 | Ullman, Dana; Cummings, Stephen; The Science of Homeopathy, New Realities, [journal] Summer of 1985 p. 50 |
↑26 | Position Paper, op. cit. |
↑27 | Ibid., p. 5 |
↑28 | http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8211925.stm |
↑29 | Ibid.., |
↑30 | Ibid..,. |
↑31 | Ibid..,.. |
↑32 | Ibid.. |
↑33 | Ibid.,.,. |
↑34 | White, E.G., Testimonies for the Church Vol. 5, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, 1882, p. 199 |
↑35 | Bopp, op. cit., p. 9 |
↑36 | Hubbard, op. cit., p. 23 |
↑37 | Ibid.,,.. |
↑38 | White, E.G., Temperance, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA 1877, p. 85 |
↑39 | White, E.G., Manuscript Releases/20MR No. 1497; Ellen G. White Estate Inc. Washington DC, pp. 373–374 |