To the Network members:

I had plans to send out a bit later the link I am now sending. I changed my plans following the reception of this link for the third time from a member of the Network. It is time it sent to all members.

Dispatches are usually sent out 2-3 weeks apart to avoid overload of information which might cause fatigue of interest. Due to the value of this video (the Network has had no part in its formation) it is being made available to all at this time. I am sure many of the members have already received it and so just delete, for those who are seeing it for the first time be sure and place it in your folder to share with others. It is a powerful video. There will be at times ads that pop up, just delete the ad. Let the video run past the ending and Yip Kok Tho’s videos will come on.

Edwin Noyes

Proof Meditation Is Dangerous & Demonic
(The Shocking Truth)