
For twenty-five or so years there has been a website which was produced in India by Catholics for Catholics. This web site was initiated to warn Catholics of the spiritual deceptions in various healing arts. Approximately eight years past this web site added to its many articles the chapters from the book Exposing Spiritualistic Practices in Healing by Edwin A. Noyes M.D.

Links to some of those articles are listed below. If one writes in the “search” line on the home page the name Edwin A. Noyes M.D. then clicking on the query symbol certain chapters of this book will come to view. Three links are placed here which take one to those chapters.

Mindfulness meditation: https://ephesians511blog.com/2013/11/23/mindfulness-meditation/

Iridology: https://ephesians511blog.com/tag/iridology/

Homeopathy: https://ephesians511blog.com/2013/11/16/homeopathy-by-edwin-a-noyes-m-dmph/