Babylonian Spiritualistic Mysteries
in Health and Healing From Eden
to Babylon
This chapter reveals how Satan created a counterfeit system of health and healing, which had its beginnings in the Garden of Eden, based on the lies that the serpent told Eve at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil:
And the serpent said unto the woman, you shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (Genesis 3:4, 5).
In the book The Great Controversy, Ellen White wrote:
The last great delusion is soon to open before us. Antichrist is to perform his marvelous works in our sight. So closely will the counterfeit resemble the true that it will be impossible to distinguish between them except by the Holy Scriptures. By their testimony every statement and every miracle must be tested. 1) White, E.G., The Great Controversy, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1888), p. 593.
With God’s system we realize that God works through His laws to impart health and healing. When man is out of harmony with God’s laws, changes occur that allow sickness and disease to manifest in our bodies. In Eden, following Eve’s disobedience, a change began, which over time produced a condition that we call “disease.”
Disease is an effort of nature to free the system from conditions that result from a violation of the laws of health. 2) Reference is missing
Those who believe in God are warned that at the end of time God’s people will face deception by “miracles.” Revelation 13:14 and 16:14 identifies the power behind these miracles as: spirits of devils working miracles.
When God called his creation “very good,” He was saying it was not only perfect in design and beauty, but also in total harmony with the laws of the universe. Adam and Eve, as long as they remained in obedience to God’s laws, were to enjoy immortality. To break from this harmony, they were told, would result in death. Eve’s sin was that she did not believe God, and accepted the lie told by the serpent that she would not die. 3) White, E.G., Patriarchs and Prophets, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., (Nampa, ID, 1958), pp. 53, 55.
Lucifer had accused God of having an imperfect system. He said that man, the created being, could not keep God’s commandments. 4) Ibid., p. 42. He, Satan, had an antidote for the problem. He would introduce a “pinch of self” into God’s “selfless” society. By the change he proposed, he promised to bring balance to the system that God had called “good.” He, the devil, saw that in the creation, there was harmony by the presence of opposites, such as light and dark, day and night, land and water, sun and moon, warm and cool, and in pro-creation, male and female. He charged God with withholding from man the knowledge that would make him wise like God. He said that God had withheld the knowledge of “evil” because it would balance with “good” and bring enlightenment and even godhood for themselves. There would be no death, as God had used the threat of death to scare them and keep them from this knowledge. 5) Ibid., chapter p. 54. He promised a new system which would bring harmony, equality, transformation, oneness, completeness, enlightenment, im-mortality, and finally godhood for man.
This promised utopia was already the experience of man except he was created and never could become God. Lucifer wanted to be God and was jealous of the Son of God. Eve was deceived into disbelieving God and believing Satan’s lie to obtain what was already hers.
Figure 7. Christ and Satan
The degree of influence this “pinch” of evil had become after more than fifteen hundred years is revealed in the following verse.
…every imagination of the thoughts of his (man’s) heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5). God repented of making man and He covered the earth with a flood.
Archeologists have discovered records and writings of past civilizations, which have been translated and studied. From these records, we get some knowledge of the concepts and beliefs of ancient times Cush was the son of Ham, and Ham the son of Noah. Of Cush it is said that he developed numeric’s, astrology, geometry, games of chance and hazard, and devised alchemy. 6) Hislop, Alexander, Two Babylons, A.C. Black, Ltd., England, (1916), p. 95; Steed, Earnest, Two Be One, Logos International, PlainField, N.J., in Canada: G.R. Welch, Toronto, Ont., pp. 12–13.
From Babylon the people spread out over the face of the earth, carrying with them the religion that had developed in Babylon, that is, paganism/nature worship. 7) Hislop, op. cit., p. 20; Garrison, Fielding H. , History of Medicine, W.B. Saunders and Co., Philadelphia, Penn.,(1929), p. 61.
The city of Babylon, “cradle of oriental civilization,” 8) Ibid.,. located in the Mesopotamian Valley, was the origin of pagan religion. The Babylonians believed that a great power maintained the universe. However, they did not credit this power to a living being/God, but rather, to a power called “universal energy,” “universal intelligence,” “the creative principle,” etc., etc.
The universal energy was divided into two parts of supposedly opposing forces. These opposing “energies” (dualism,) were given various designations, such as good and evil, male and female, positive and negative, dominant and recessive, dark and light, yang and yin, etc. Every entity was determined to be either one or the other. This concept was applied to minerals, plants, and animals.
From the Mesopotamian Valley the post diluvians spread out east, west, south, and north, carrying with them the same basic idea for the unification of opposites–the one great philosophy to achieve life’s secrets–obtain all wisdom, and ultimate oneness. The ideas of Cush were carried into areas that are now Europe, China, and Asia. Except for those who worshiped the Creator God, their gods, few or many, were all allied to nature’s opposites–the two most prominent being the sun and the moon. With the necessity for fire, and fire allied to heat and heat to the sun, sun worship predominated. Sympathy, they believed, existed between all forces; consequently, identification of similarities resulted. Therefore, the sun symbolized the male and moon, the female.
Looking back, we detect how astrology of the past, with its relationship by mankind to sun, moon, and stars, became paramount, built on the basis of
correspondences and sympathy; thus, occultism soon guided the major activities of life. 9) Steed, Earnest, Two Be One, Logos International, Plainfield, N.J., in Canada G. R. Welch, Toronto, Ont., (1976), pp. 12-13.
Figure 8. Creative power of God
In the Garden of Eden, Satan proposed to Adam and Eve the blending of good and evil to improve God’s government. Earnest Steed, in the book Two Be One, p. 38, shares his perception of this principle used by Satan in his method of deception in the Garden of Eden, a pattern he has followed since. His mode of operation was not just introducing evil to counterbalance good. He blended good with evil so skillfully that evil was almost impossible to detect. It could be presented as follows:
(Selflessness) | (Selfishness) | |
GOOD | versus | GOOD AND EVIL |
It is this formula that has given Satan such power and success in his efforts.
Satan himself was educated in the heavenly courts, and he has knowledge of good as well as of evil. He mingles the precious with the vile, and this is what gives him power to deceive. 10) White, E.G., 8 Testimonies, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1948), p. 306.
After the flood, man’s great goal was to achieve a proper balance among the cosmos, earth, and man, as it was believed that a perfect balance would result in utopia. Thus the “knowledge of good and evil” involved not only a blending of good with evil, but the idea that harmony would only exist if this blending had universal application. This was, and is, the foundation of all non-biblical belief systems. 11) Steed, op. cit., p. vii–ix.
On the back side of the covering for the book Two Be One, written by the publishers the following comment appears.
In his studies, Steed has uncovered a startling discrepancy: the teachings of Christ as recorded in the Scriptures comprise the only philosophy that does not fit into the world’s basic pattern for unity. For throughout the ages, mankind has seen oneness, the conjunction of all opposites, as being the culmination of all their dreams and imaginations, the way to eternal happiness. Christianity looks for separation to provide the sought-after peace.
It is not found by finding the proper blend with sin.
Having applied the concept of dualism to “universal energy,” the great object then was to blend the divided energy back into one. It became a supreme goal to blend opposites into proper balance to achieve life’s secrets, obtain all wisdom, and ultimate oneness. 12) Steed, op. cit., p. 12–13.
The creation of the universe (macrocosm), and man (microcosm) was thus explained as being derived from this blending of opposites.
We have created our own body, within the framework of certain universal and immanent laws, says the Buddhist. 13) Govinda, Lama Anagarika, Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, Samuel Weiser, now Red Wheel Weiser, Newberry Park, MA, (1969), p. 159.
Figure 9. Blending together to create cosmos, earth
In this explanation for the origin of the cosmos, earth, and man, the belief was that there is close correspondence, association, and sympathy between the cosmos, earth, and man. In Maurice Bessy’s book, Magic and the Supernatural, a figure of two circles is shown, one outer circle, and another inner circle, man, without stretched arms and legs is within the second circle. Surrounding the inner circle are the signs of the zodiac. Below this figure is the following explanation.
A mirror of the world – “microcosm of the macrocosm.” Man, as conceived in astrology, reflects the rhythms and structure of the universe in the same way as the universe mirrors the rhythms and the structure of Man himself. Everything is part of everything… 14) Bessy, Maurice, Magic and the Supernatural, Spring Books, NY, (1970), pp. 73-74.
This symbol of the circle around man is known as a “mandala,” which in Sanskrit means circle. Though mandalas are of different designs they all represent the same idea–revealing the relationship of the cosmos to man. The outer circle represents the cosmos; the inner circle represents the earth, with the figure of a man in the inner circle representing the “at-one-ment” of the universe, earth, and man. This is a counterfeit of the “at-one-ment” with God that Jesus obtained for us on the cross. This symbol is often seen in New Age health literature. The lines drawn from the arms to leg, hand, and head form a five-pointed star (pentagram) which also represents the same belief.
Figures 10. triangle of correspondence and circle with man
J.E. Cirlot, in his book Dictionary of Symbols under the title of “macrocosm-microcosm,” makes the following comment: This relationship is symbolic of the situation in the universe of man as the “measure of all things.” The basis of this relationship–which has occupied the minds of thinkers and mystics of all kinds in all ages–is the symbolism of man himself, particularly as the “universal man” together with his “correspondences” with the zodiac, the planets and the elements. As Origen observed: “Understand that you are another world in miniature and that you are the sun, the moon and also the stars.” 15) In time, the zodiac system was consulted when making most of life’s decisions.
This implication is to be found in all symbolic traditions. Under the title “Man,” the following statement is made,
Hence the pentagram (five-point star) is a sign of the microcosms, 16) Ibid., p. 197. and is a sacred symbol in neo-paganism. The ancient Chaldeans promoted the idea of unity of all things and applied it to every aspect of life. The zodiac was formed as a tool to apply this concept to life on earth and the practice of seeking guidance through the zodiac was referred to as reading ones horoscope. 17) Bessy, op. cit., pp. 67–74; Steed, op. cit., p.15.
In time, the zodiac system was consulted when making most of life’s decisions.
…for astrology itself was based on an understanding and interpretation of these symbols in terms of the complexities of life and its origin and meaning. The zodiac was likened to a wheel with the changing times and seasons, but more so to the wheel of life. The Hindu sees it as the wheel of transmigration, the Buddhist as the wheel of completeness, and the Taoist of China, through the yang and yin and the circle of harmony; all visualize the correspondence or sympathy between opposites. 18) Steed, op. cit., pp.15–16.
The pagan religions originating in Babylon had their foundation in astrology and the zodiac, which are based on the belief of the existence of sympathy between the planets, earth, and man. The sun was the preeminent planet in the zodiac. To participate in a belief system that has the zodiac as a part of its beliefs is paying homage to Satan.
At first there was Chaos. From it pure light collected to itself and moved to create the sky. The darkness remaining moved and from itself formed the earth. From within this activity there arose two principles of yang and yin, light and dark, sky and earth. From this movement of like to like a balancing of forces occurred and growth and increase brought forth the beginning and the ten thousand creation, all of which take the sky and earth (yang and yin) as their mode. The yang (positive) is transformed by contact with the negative (yin) and so water, fire, wood, metal, and earth are produced. These five elements diffuse harmoniously and evolve into four seasons which proceed on their course. The two forces of maleness and femaleness reacting with and influencing each other bring myriad things into being. Generation follows generation, and there is no end to changes and transformations.
Insight Northwest “The Healing Transformation, Some Lesser God, Keep
The Hindu Creation Story:
From this self, verily, space arose, from space, air, from air, fire, from fire, water, from water, earth, from earth, herbs, from herbs, food, from food, man.
Taittiriya Upanishad 2:1 Reported in Ayurveda, Scott Gerson
The Buddhist says:
“We have created our own bodies.”
Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, Govinda p. 15
These names of the basic elements, (water, fire, air, earth, metal, and/or space) are not to be understood literally. They are words/synonyms of five planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Mercury which are believed to be a continuing creative force in the cosmos and earth. There are no English words to adequately explain the concept.
Since the belief is that creation of all substance, animate and inanimate resulted from the balancing and proper mingling of the two aspects (good and evil, positive and negative, male and female, etc.) of so-called universal energy, it was felt that disease and illness were a result of an imbalance of these energies. 19) Steed, op. cit., p. 100; Garrison, op. cit., pp. 74, 88. This energy, considered “god,” is pantheism. “All is one and one is all,”—thus the belief that disease is a spiritual imbalance manifesting as physical disease.
It followed, then, that if an imbalance of energy caused health disorders, balancing would restore health. This led to a multitude of acts and practices designed to prevent and treat illness. As already noted, to treat an imbalance of energy, a myriad of methods were developed, which depended upon everything being categorized as good or evil, positive or negative, and yang or yin, etc. This approach to disease does not focus on following God’s laws of health, nor recognizes disease as the body’s response to violation of those laws.
Examples of substances used to restore balance are: herbs, minerals, climate and temperature, spells, dances, animal matter of all types, stones, liquids, relics, spoken words, written words, colors, flowers, zodiac influences, charms of all types, psychotherapy, magnetism, acupuncture, moxibustion, meditation, divination, numerology, music, sound, spirits, pictures, aromas, talismans, crystals, alchemy, foods, etc. All were labeled as being either positive or negative in their influence. Medical historian Garrison tells us that medicine did not progress as long as it was founded in the supernatural. 20) Garrison, op. cit., p. 24.
The Scriptures teach that separation from evil, not blending with evil is God’s way.
In the United States, many of the Native American Indians believe in dualism, and it is a principle they may apply in health and healing. Their practices involve balancing animal spirits and/or energies. Navajo sand paintings are used to correct the believed imbalanced energies of those who are ill. 21) Bahti, Tom, Southwestern Indian Ceremonials, K.C. Publications, Las Vegas, NV, (1987), p.10.
The sand paintings are formed on the ground, and may take an entire day to make. A variety of plants, seeds, and other natural substances are used in forming the painting. There are hundreds of varieties of sand paintings and are said to be kept in the head of the shaman. A sick person sits on the painting for several hours (grounding). Then the painting is scooped up, taken up and buried, as it is believed to have absorbed the excess spirit or energy of either the good or evil influence. 22) Ibid.,.. The sand paintings are made with colors and patterns representing dualism by containing contrasting objects, colors or positions.
The shaman, or medicine man, may also use dances, “sings” (groups of people singing about the sick person), or a bag containing various objects, as well as certain sounds to influence the spirits and powers that cause sickness. These methods are used as sympathetic remedies.
In the past, Europeans associated particular organs of the body with the specific houses of the zodiac. The symbols of animals taken from the zodiac were assigned to the organs. Aries the ram pertained to the head, while Pisces the fish was for the feet. When doctors determined an organ had an energy imbalance they chose a treatment that supposedly would influence the correspondence between that organ and its zodiac house. 23) Bessy, op. cit. pp. 73-74; Garrison, op. cit., p. 37.
Figures 11. Man covered with animals representing
association of man with zodiac
Remember that the zodiac is based on the planets with the sun as chief, and sun worship is Luciferic (Satanic) worship.
His (Satan’s) arts and devices are received as from heaven and faith in the Bible is destroyed in the minds of thousands. Satan here receives the worship which suits his satanic majesty…Satan uses these very things to destroy virtue and lay the foundation of spiritualism. 24) White, E.G., I Testimonies, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, now Nampa ID, (1948), pp. 296.
The ancient Vedas, written in the Sanskrit language, contain the story of the origin of Hinduism and its health and healing concepts. These writings are thirty-five hundred years old and were written by “Sages” (holy men) who retired into the foot-hills of the mountains and there:
…produced India’s original systems of meditation, yoga, and astrology. 25) Gerson, op. cit., p. 3.
This healing system is called Ayurveda, the Ancient Indian Healing Tradition. The Ayurvedic approach to health is not separate from Hinduism; it is Hinduism.
The foundation of all treatment for health and healing in Ayurveda is the practice of meditation. In fact, there is little help to be gained in other health and healing methods in Ayurveda without the use of meditation and yoga. 26) Ibid., p. 78. The practice of meditation is said to bring the inner self, the universal energy, the prana (air, breath), the god within us, to such a level that it would allow us to interact with the spirit entities, and eventually enter that same spirit state.27) Willis, Richard J.B., Holistic Health Holistic Hoax, Stanborough Press Ltd., Alma Park, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, (1997), Chapter 13.
The whole religious conquest of the Hindu is to escape this life and move into the spirit world. There is no separation between spiritual and physical in health and healing in Hinduism. It is said by an ex-Guru, who is now a Christian, that you cannot take Hinduism out of yoga and meditation, and you cannot have yoga and meditation without Hinuism. 28) Reference??
Turning our discussion now to Chinese traditional healing, a common symbol represents the summation of their Tao beliefs. The pa kua, or circle of harmony represents constant transformation in order to achieve harmony and balance. It is a symbol of how another sunonym of universal energy, called chi by the Chinese, relates to our bodies. 29) Lyons, op. cit., p. 125; Steed, op. cit., p. 46.
There seems to be no contention between the different groups— European, Indian, or Chinese—over the different explanations of the supposed manner of distribution of “universal energy” within the body
Satan may use certain healing methods that may have some physiological basis, but it is wrapped up in his dogma. Those who believe in these concepts do not look to God as the restorer of health. Ellen White wrote:
Angels of God will preserve His people while they walk in the path of duty; but there is no assurance of such protection for those who deliberately venture upon Satan’s ground. An agent of the great deceiver will say and do anything to gain his object. It matters little whether he calls himself a “spiritualist,” an “electric physician,” or a “magnetic healer.” 30) White, E.G., Evangelism, Pacific Pres Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1946) p. 607.
Satanic agents claim to cure disease. They contribute their power to electricity, magnetism or the so-called “sympathetic remedies,” while in truth they are but channels for Satan’s electric currents. By these means he casts his spell over the bodies and souls of men. 31) Ibid., p. 609.
The American Medical Association Committee for investigating alternative therapies has listed more than one hundred different methods of healing used and promoted today. The Alternative Health Dictionary lists more than four thousand names of various therapies of energy balancing. I list here some of the commonly used techniques. An alternative therapy would be defined as a therapy that does not have scientific evidence of effectiveness and usually has a history of use as a “folk medicine” therapy.
In the following chapters of this book, we will look carefully at several of these different healing methods. They all have the same basic foundation, that of being involved with moving and balancing a non-measurable, non-demonstrable vital force, energy, prana, chi, etc.
Why so many therapeutic approaches to balancing energy? Because none of them are based on true physics and science, but on the paranormal or psychic. It really matters little as to the physical method of therapy. It has a lot more to do with the mental attitude, and acceptance of the theory of universal energy or intelligence. It also strongly depends on the person administering the therapy and his connection to this unseen power. This energy has been given at least ninety different names, yet they all refer to the same thing. Of the men who gave so many names to this energy, it was found that the first fifty of them reviewed were chan-nelers and psychics, and it may be that nearly all were. 32) Wilson & Weldon, Occult Shock & Psychic Forces, Master Books division of CLP, San Diego, CA (1980), p. 247.
The rise and renewal of these ancient healing practices has been rapid, with no evidence of slowing. In the United States and other countries of the world, many of the medical teaching institutions have incorporated some of these practices in their curriculum. Physicians from around the world travel to China to take courses in Traditional Chinese Medicine. I have visited with medical students from Europe who were in China for a three-month rotation training in Chinese medical schools, with the primary interest in learning traditional Chinese medicine. Probably near fifty percent of hospitals in the United States have made available some type of alternative therapy because it is popular and the hospitals are competing for business.
The interest in alternative therapies is strong among the people of the Western nations, partly because it is marketed as natural therapy (without the use of drugs).
People do not know the history of these treatment methods, and many believe that new knowledge has led to their use. Others believe that old beneficial healing methods have been lost and are now being resurrected to our benefit.
A careful review of medical history will reveal that much of the philosophy behind alternative therapies comes from the ancient Indian healing methods called Ayurveda, from early European concepts of healing, and also from traditional Chinese medicine therapies. Earnest Steed, in his book, Two Be One, chapter 4, traces the influence of astrology via the zodiac upon the above-mentioned ancient systems.
Historically, there is no evidence that the nations that depended on these therapies benefited from them. Following are quotes from some medical history books:
It follows that, under different aspects of space and time, the essential traits of folk medicine and ancient medicine have been alike in tendency, differing only in unimportant details. In the light of anthropology, this proposition may be taken as proved. Cuneiform, hieroglyphic, runic, birch-bark, and palm-leaf inscriptions all indicate that the folk-ways of early medicine, whether Acadian or Scandinavian, Slavic or Celtic, Roman or Polynesian, have been the same–in each case an affair of charms and spells, plant-lore and psychotherapy, to stave off the effects of supernatural agencies. Where this frame of mind persists, there is no possibility of advancement for medicine. 33) Garrison, op, cit., p. 18.
Until recently Chinese medicine has been what our own medicine might be had we been guided by medieval ideas down to the present time, that is, absolutely stationary. 34) Ibid., p. 73.
Where these therapies were used as the main method of medical treatment there was no improvement either in the incidence of disease or in longevity. China had an average life span in 1949 of 35 years. The approach in China toward the cause of disease changed and a scientific approach was instituted, with the establishment of hygienic and basic disease prevention methods based on present-day science. The average life span increased to 70 by the year 2000. (World Health Organization). This is considered one of the great medical events of the past century.
We are warned in the Scriptures of the devil’s attempt to deceive God’s people and that at the close of earth’s history he will deceive all the nations. 35) Revelation 16:13, 14. In health and healing, his power will be especially strong, and those who are not diligent Bible students will find it very difficult to tell the real from the counterfeit. The true power of healing will come from God, the author and sustainer of our lives.
Astrology is nature worship/paganism and features the sun, moon, and earth as deity from ancient time. Israel in old testament times succumbed to this influence time and again. Today sun, moon, and earth worship comes in disguised forms. All Indian and Chinese traditional therapies such meditation, yoga, essential oil, aromatherapy, acupuncture, martial arts, tai chi have astrology as their base.


The counterfeit teaches that the origin and power that sustains us is from within. Accessing this power from within is said to affect health and healing. The majority of alternative therapies today are ways of attempting to access power from within, to balance good and evil characteristics, and bring about change and healing. Accepting these methods of treatment effectively means separation from God. 36) White, E.G., The Ministry of Healing, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1909), pp. 428–429.
The issue: Will we choose to follow God and have eternal life, or follow the devil and have eternal death?
Universal Energy
False science is one of the agencies that Satan used in the heavenly courts, and it is used by him today. The false assertions that he made to the angels, his subtle scientific theories, seduced many of them from their loyalty to God. 37) White, E.G., Testimonies Vol. 8; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA (Now in Nampa, ID), (1904), p. 290.
The field into which Satan led our first parents is the same to which he is leading men today. He is flooding the world with pleasing fables. 38) Ibid., p. 290.
We are living in an age of great light; but much that is called ‘light’ is opening the way for the wisdom and arts of Satan. Many things will be presented that appear to be true, and yet they need to be carefully considered with much prayer; for they may be specious devices of the enemy. The path of error often appears to lie close to the path of truth. It is hardly distinguishable from the path that leads to holiness and heaven. But the mind enlightened by the Holy Spirit may discern that it is diverging from the right way. After a while the two are seen to be widely separated. 39) Ibid., pp. 290–291.
Satan desired the worship of man, and to obtain such, he subverted the Biblical story of creation. He deceived man into worshiping the power and works of God but not God. Before the flood, man worshiped nature. 40) Ibid., pp. 293–294. Shortly following the flood, nature worship again appeared as the dominant form of worship. God is proclaimed as an essence, an actuating energy, pervading all nature.
If God is an essence pervading all nature, then He dwells in all men; and in order to attain holiness, man has only to develop the power that is within him….These theories, followed to their logical conclusion, sweep away the whole Christian economy. They do away with the necessity for the atonement and make man his own savior. These theories regarding God make His word of no effect. 41) Ibid., p. 291.
The essence, the actuating energy from which the universe, earth, and man are made, according to pantheistic theories, is called by many names. Different languages, cultures, religions, and leaders in pantheistic doctrine have created a large variety of terms which refer to the same theoretical power. Nearly one hundred of these different names have appeared in print. Listed below are some of the more commonly used terms
PRANA | ———————— | HINDUISM |
CH’I [KI, QI] | ———————— | TAOISM [TCM] |
LOGOS* | ———————— | GREEK |
MANA | ———————— | POLYNESIAN |
Many English synonyms are used to refer to this supposed power. “Universal Intelligence” is a name commonly used, as is the term “energy.” I suspect each language likewise has many synonyms for this power. Listed below are several English synonyms.
In the world of pantheism there are varying descriptions as to how the energy (of which they say man is made) exists within man. The system of Ayurveda (ancient Indian healing art) describes the energy as localized in seven centers within man. These are called chakras. Man is said to have an “aura,” produced by the chakras, which is Life Force, Universal Energy (electromagnetic force to some New Age scientists) and extends outside the body. It is to this perceived energy force that many alternative healing modalities direct their focus. 42) Hill, Ann, A Visual Encyclopedia of Unconventional Medicine, Crown Pub. Inc. NY (1978), p. 46.
“Two key words, microcosm and macrocosm, are used to portray the primary opposites, heaven and earth, thought to be in correspondence or sympathy.” 43) Bessy, Maurice, Magic and the Supernatural, Spring Books, NY, (1970), p. 74 Jaggi, O.P.; Yogic and
Tantric Medicine, Atma Ram and Sons, Delhi, India, (1973), p. 96.
Macrocosm stands for the sun, moon, and stars, while microcosm stands for man. In pantheism, these two opposites, macrocosm and microcosm, must harmonize. The use of the “zodiac” was established in Chaldea to guide in achieving this harmony. 44) Bessy, op. cit. p. 67.
In the Oriental view of universal energy there are seven divisions or levels of energy. This Eastern concept is accepted by neo-paganism (New Age Movement) of today. Understanding a little about this belief of divisions or levels of universal energy will be of value in comprehending the explanations of presumed power of various techniques applied in health and healing. At the same time, we will get a glimpse of some of the theology of the Eastern religions, making it increasingly clear that involvement in their techniques in health and healing might unsuspectingly lead to acceptance of their religious precepts.
Figure 12. 7 Frequency Levels
Universal energy—life force energy is said by the New Age healers to be of seven levels or planes in distribution and function. Of late, an occasional New Age scientist will call this perceived energy, electromagnetic energy, which he believes to have specific vibrational frequencies at various levels. In this concept the bottom level frequency of energy has materialized and formed the cosmos, earth, and man. Dr. Gerber, a medical doctor, who is a very prominent New Age author, tells us in his text Vibrational Medicine that the other levels of universal energy have different and increasing frequencies above the speed of light.9 The different levels of energy are believed to have specific progressive influences, first on the physical body, then on the spiritual path to godhood. The second and third levels are spoken of as having subtle bodies. In the days before the development of the science of physics, universal energy—life force energy was explained by the term, spiritual power, and different frequencies of light energy (not demonstrated by science) were not a part of their explanation.
Figure 13. 7 Multiple Bodies
The concept is that frequency level one contains the materialized cosmos including man, and is believed to be composed of energy traveling at the speed of light. The second level of frequencies involves “subtle bodies”. These hypothesized bodies surround the physical body and are even supposed to be of different colors. The first body, etheric body, or energy plane, is said to have the function of being an “electromagnetic” template of our physical body, and is believed to be the controlling influence in the function of our physiology. When imbalance is present in the etheric body, eventually the physical body will present with malfunction or disease. Many healing techniques are aimed at correcting or balancing the status of the etheric body. The next higher body is called astral body, which functions in the “out of body,” “light in tunnel,” and “astral travel apart from body” experiences. The third level of frequency involves the mental body, and is said to deal with higher thought processes: We then come to the causal body, which functions in re-incarnation beliefs. It is said to store life experiences from past and future lives.
Death involves the physical body and it disappears, yet the “subtle” bodies continue on and receive the new re-incarnated body in whatever form it presents, animal or human, possibly in a lower caste, or hopefully, at a higher status. Levels 4–7 of universal energy frequencies deal with increasing levels of “consciousness” and at the top, level 7 symbolized by the lotus flower or the Jewel, immortality— eternal life, is attained. This top level is said to interconnect with the energies of all the universe, and thus the expression all is one and one is all, or as above so below. It is at this level that immortality and godhood is said to take place.” 45) Green, Elmer and Alyce, Beyond Biofeedback, Knoll Pub. Co. Inc., Ft. Wayne, IN, (1977), pp. 299–315.
A point of interest is the belief that plants contain higher frequency levels of energy. By consuming plants as our diet, we can obtain from them higher levels of consciousness. This is one of the reasons vegetarianism is common within neopaganism.
Essential oils are said to have high frequency and so affect the mind. The goal of neo-paganism of the West and the religions of the East is to attain to the energy frequency level of the lotus and the jewel attaining godhood and escaping reincarnation. All religious activities are directed to this concept. Universal energy as described in this chapter is the core foundational belief of Eastern religions and in Western occultism. The religious activities are for the purpose of raising energy frequency levels from the material, speed of light level, up through the higher frequency levels and eventually reach to the Ultimate level. Illness is considered a burp, a blurb in the progress of ascending to higher frequency planes and to godhood. A multitude of acts and practices in these religions are designed with the idea that they will raise a person to the experience of nirvana. 46) Gerber, op. cit., discs 1, 2. 47) Prophet, Elizabeth Clare, Djwal Kul Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura, Dictated by Djwal Kul an ascended master also known as the Tibetan Master; Summit University Press, Colorado Springs, CO, (1974), pp. 27–31.
Illness and disease are explained in the pantheistic viewpoint as resulting from imbalance or blockage of the presence, and flow through the body, of universal energy. Therapies are designed to balance, unblock, restore, infuse, or otherwise manipulate invisible energies which allegedly exist or circulate within the human body. 48) Ankerberg, John, Weldon, John, Can You Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Brentwood, TN, (1991), p. 67.
On the other hand, Divine energy does not circulate within the body through psychic pathways whose imbalance causes disease. We cannot manipulate the power of God by putting needles in our skin, by massaging pressure points, sitting in the yoga position, or by breathing exercises.
E.G. White wrote the following concerning universal energy:
The mighty power that works through all nature and sustains all things is not, as some men of science claim, merely an all pervading principle, an actuating energy. God is a spirit; yet He is a personal being, for man was made in His image. As a personal being, God has revealed Himself in His Son. Jesus, the outshining of the Father’s glory, “and the express image of His person” (Hebrews 1:3), was on earth found in fashion as a man. As a personal Savior He came to the world. As a personal Savior He ascended on high. As a personal Savior He intercedes in the heavenly courts. Before the throne of God in our behalf ministers “One like the Son of man.” Daniel 7:13. 49) White, E.G., Education, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Nampa ID,, (1903), pp.131–132.
Mrs. White often used the term vital force or similar expressions in her health writings. She was in no way expressing the same concept as that of universal energy. The word essence was used for that. She referred to the normal metabolism and functioning of our body that depends upon being in harmony with the laws of health, and the proper association of our systems to pure air, sunshine, water, exercise, rest, proper diet, avoiding injurious substances, using with moderation beneficial foods and placing our trust in God by keeping His physical and spiritual laws. Under these conditions, our system will function at its best.
We have learned in chapter 4 of the foundational teaching of pantheism’s explanation of our origin, that of blending two opposing parts of an imaginary universal energy. In this chapter we have looked at the many different names given to this energy. The concept is that illness and disease result from the imbalance of the two parts (yin-yang) of energy in our system. Treatment of disease in Satan’s system is an act of attempting to rebalance the energy. In following chapters we will look at various methods devised to affect balance and/or correct the vibration of universal energy in order to bring about health and healing.
That which takes our allegiance away from a Creator God and directs our allegiance to His counterfeit, will make void the grace of Christ toward us. It makes His word of no effect. 50) White, E.G., The Ministry of Healing, The Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Nampa, ID, (1905), pp. 428–429.
↑1 | White, E.G., The Great Controversy, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1888), p. 593. |
↑2 | Reference is missing |
↑3 | White, E.G., Patriarchs and Prophets, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., (Nampa, ID, 1958), pp. 53, 55. |
↑4 | Ibid., p. 42. |
↑5 | Ibid., chapter p. 54. |
↑6 | Hislop, Alexander, Two Babylons, A.C. Black, Ltd., England, (1916), p. 95; Steed, Earnest, Two Be One, Logos International, PlainField, N.J., in Canada: G.R. Welch, Toronto, Ont., pp. 12–13. |
↑7 | Hislop, op. cit., p. 20; Garrison, Fielding H. , History of Medicine, W.B. Saunders and Co., Philadelphia, Penn.,(1929), p. 61. |
↑8 | Ibid.,. |
↑9 | Steed, Earnest, Two Be One, Logos International, Plainfield, N.J., in Canada G. R. Welch, Toronto, Ont., (1976), pp. 12-13. |
↑10 | White, E.G., 8 Testimonies, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1948), p. 306. |
↑11 | Steed, op. cit., p. vii–ix. |
↑12 | Steed, op. cit., p. 12–13. |
↑13 | Govinda, Lama Anagarika, Foundations of Tibetan Mysticism, Samuel Weiser, now Red Wheel Weiser, Newberry Park, MA, (1969), p. 159. |
↑14 | Bessy, Maurice, Magic and the Supernatural, Spring Books, NY, (1970), pp. 73-74. |
↑15 | In time, the zodiac system was consulted when making most of life’s decisions. |
↑16 | Ibid., p. 197. |
↑17 | Bessy, op. cit., pp. 67–74; Steed, op. cit., p.15. |
↑18 | Steed, op. cit., pp.15–16. |
↑19 | Steed, op. cit., p. 100; Garrison, op. cit., pp. 74, 88. |
↑20 | Garrison, op. cit., p. 24. |
↑21 | Bahti, Tom, Southwestern Indian Ceremonials, K.C. Publications, Las Vegas, NV, (1987), p.10. |
↑22 | Ibid.,.. |
↑23 | Bessy, op. cit. pp. 73-74; Garrison, op. cit., p. 37. |
↑24 | White, E.G., I Testimonies, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, now Nampa ID, (1948), pp. 296. |
↑25 | Gerson, op. cit., p. 3. |
↑26 | Ibid., p. 78. |
↑27 | Willis, Richard J.B., Holistic Health Holistic Hoax, Stanborough Press Ltd., Alma Park, Grantham, Lincolnshire, England, (1997), Chapter 13. |
↑28 | Reference?? |
↑29 | Lyons, op. cit., p. 125; Steed, op. cit., p. 46. |
↑30 | White, E.G., Evangelism, Pacific Pres Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1946) p. 607. |
↑31 | Ibid., p. 609. |
↑32 | Wilson & Weldon, Occult Shock & Psychic Forces, Master Books division of CLP, San Diego, CA (1980), p. 247. |
↑33 | Garrison, op, cit., p. 18. |
↑34 | Ibid., p. 73. |
↑35 | Revelation 16:13, 14. |
↑36 | White, E.G., The Ministry of Healing, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA, (1909), pp. 428–429. |
↑37 | White, E.G., Testimonies Vol. 8; Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View, CA (Now in Nampa, ID), (1904), p. 290. |
↑38 | Ibid., p. 290. |
↑39 | Ibid., pp. 290–291. |
↑40 | Ibid., pp. 293–294. |
↑41 | Ibid., p. 291. |
↑42 | Hill, Ann, A Visual Encyclopedia of Unconventional Medicine, Crown Pub. Inc. NY (1978), p. 46. |
↑43 | Bessy, Maurice, Magic and the Supernatural, Spring Books, NY, (1970), p. 74 Jaggi, O.P.; Yogic and Tantric Medicine, Atma Ram and Sons, Delhi, India, (1973), p. 96. |
↑44 | Bessy, op. cit. p. 67. |
↑45 | Green, Elmer and Alyce, Beyond Biofeedback, Knoll Pub. Co. Inc., Ft. Wayne, IN, (1977), pp. 299–315. |
↑46 | Gerber, op. cit., discs 1, 2. |
↑47 | Prophet, Elizabeth Clare, Djwal Kul Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura, Dictated by Djwal Kul an ascended master also known as the Tibetan Master; Summit University Press, Colorado Springs, CO, (1974), pp. 27–31. |
↑48 | Ankerberg, John, Weldon, John, Can You Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Brentwood, TN, (1991), p. 67. |
↑49 | White, E.G., Education, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Nampa ID,, (1903), pp.131–132. |
↑50 | White, E.G., The Ministry of Healing, The Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Nampa, ID, (1905), pp. 428–429. |