A young American woman had been living in a Southeast Asian country. She developed an earache and sought medical care at a modern hospital in an Asian city. One complaint led to another and an abdominal ultrasound [exam of the abdomen by use of sound waves] was ordered, then an abdominal CAT scan (machine that makes computer generated pictures of inside the abdomen). A diagnosis was made of a cancerous fatty tumor surrounding the right kidney that had spread to other areas of the abdomen. The woman was devastated with this diagnosis. The attending physicians desired to proceed with surgery, but she elected to return to America.
Her American doctor ordered a PET–CT scan, [a $5000+ test which is better able than the CAT scan to determine if cancer is present]. The test showed active tissue in the abdomen that could be cancer. A laparoscopic surgical procedure [looking in the abdomen by optics] was scheduled to be done. A blood test prior to this procedure revealed severe anemia (low number of red blood cells) which made it unsafe to proceed with surgery. Additional blood studies and another ultrasound were ordered in a further attempt to define the disorder. A repeat ultrasound exam of the abdomen did not add any new information. At this point the expenses had reached nearly ten thousand dollars and still the doctors were not able to determine the exact diagnosis.
Study results to this time could not differentiate between a malignancy and endometriosis, a non-malignant disorder. A laparoscopic procedure was done, which revealed tumors spread in various areas inside the abdomen. Biopsy of the tumors revealed cancer. Extensive surgery to remove as much cancer as possible was performed. Following surgery, treatment would be needed for many months in an attempt to control the disease.
So goes the story for many people seeking definite answers to medical problems in an age of very sophisticated diagnostic equipment and highly-trained physicians. Thousands of dollars can be spent and still the question remains as to the exact diagnosis which is so important in order that the proper treatment can be given, in the best sequence, to receive the best results.
Why not seek out some “alternative” style practioner with his Homo Vibra Ray instrument to make the diagnosis and treat at the same time with little expense? This machine is said to be able to read energy wave frequencies or vibrational energy of the cells of the body. (Such energy frequencies and/or vibrations from cells cannot be demonstrated by physical science.) However, this is a belief of some practitioners of alternative medicine. By tuning in to those frequencies, the machine is said to compare them to the assumed normal frequency. Then, by the operator spinning a few dials, frequencies are said to be sent back into the body to correct the body’s cell frequencies, correcting disease and restoring health.
Another choice is to find a holistic medical doctor who can pass his hands over the abdomen, or hold a pendulum above the abdomen in order to localize tumors. Questions can be asked of the pendulum, as it is held above the spot where it has located a tumor, as to whether or not the tumor is a cancer. The pendulum can spin clockwise if a positive answer is given, or counter-clockwise if it is negative. Any question under the sun can be asked and a “yes” or “no” answer can be obtained. The pendulum can be asked what type of therapy would be best. Should the answer be homeopathy, the pendulum can pick out the proper remedy.
This “alternative” method is quick, and non-invasive, and inexpensive compared to the above-described conventional medical tests and treatment. Is the machine and/or the
hands-on technique accurate? Can they be trusted? Why are scientifically trained physicians not using these techniques? Is it because more money can be made doing many tests? Let us proceed in a search for answers to these questions.
The following paragraph tells of incidences involving Christian church members and church institutional workers, as was related in a special report, New Age Movement and Seventh-day Adventists, written by the Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, July 1987, for general reading by Seventh-day Adventist members.
A nurse corrected chronic constipation by application of her hands to her abdomen repeatedly during the day, to correct electrical currents. A mother swings a pendulum over her son afflicted with cancer to determine the herbs he needs for healing. A young person was tied to a tree so his back was against “its window” to effect healing; the window had been located on the tree by use of the pendulum. Women shopping for groceries use a pendulum to select the best products. “Books on iridology, a method for diagnosing disease through the iris of the eye, were on sale in a college-operated supermarket. Another popular volume on the same shelf was Magnetic Therapy: Healing in Your Own Hands, by Abbot George Burke. The author refers with approval to the studies of Dr. Franz Mesmer [from whom the term “mesmerism” derives] and traces his research through pagan thought to Isis, a famous goddess of ancient Egypt.” 1) The New Age Movement and Seventh-day Adventists, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh–day Adventists, Hagerstown, MD, 1987
The nation of Israel was admonished by God just as they were to enter the promised land:
“When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer–for these nations, which thou shalt possess, hearkened unto observers of times, and unto diviners: but as for thee, the Lord thy God hath not suffered thee so to do.” 2) Deuteronomy.18:9–14
Caution was also given in regard to false prophets and their proclamations. “They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, The Lord saith: and the Lord hath not sent them:” “And mine hand shall be upon the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people….” 3) Ezekiel: 13:6–10
In studying the history of divination it soon becomes obvious that every civilization used some form of divination in an attempt to obtain knowledge. It is of ancient origin. Reading of omens is recognized as a very early divining practice. A child born with an abnormality might well be looked upon as telling something of the future. Reading the stars, and using the zodiac were common. Tarot cards, palm reading, crystal balls, and séances all contributed to the use of divination in daily life.
Dictionary definitions of divination are: “The art or practice of using omens or magic powers to foretell the future;” “unusual insight or intuitive perception.;” 4) Mirriam Webster Advanced Dictionary “A general term for various false systems for seeking supernatural aid, either for information regarding the future or for guidance in present affairs;” 5) Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary and from the Catholic Encyclopedia, “Divination is a form of occultism wherein the person uses objects such as tea leaves, a crystal ball, tarot cards, ouija board, or any superstitiously interpreted object as the means of attempting to gain or elicit knowledge or information that is beyond ordinary human intelligence. The attempts to contact the dead through a séance, for example, are spiritistic divinations that have been contested by parapsychological testing and proved false. Likewise astrology, witchcraft, zodiac readings or horoscopes are forms of divination. Although it is natural for human beings to attempt to ‘lift the curtain’ and see beyond the present, the tendency should be controlled lest it distract from the unfolded and true vision of God contained in His revelation to mankind.” 6) The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 168
“But Laban said to him, ‘If I have found favor in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by divination [some versions use the word “experience”] that the Lord has blessed me because of you.’” (Genesis 30:27). The Bible records the use of divination, but it does not always say what method was used. Does the Bible promote the use of divination by these stories?
Joseph had his cup placed in the sack of grain belonging to his brother Benjamin. He called it his divining cup. Joseph’s servant said to the brothers, “Isn’t this the cup my master drinks from and also uses for divination? This is a wicked thing you have done.” (Gen.: 44:5). When his brothers were brought to Joseph, he said to them. “What is this you have done? Don’t you know that a man like me can find things out by divination?” (Gen. 44:15). E.G.White, in Patriarchs and Prophets, page 229, states that Joseph never claimed the power of divination but he was willing to have them believe that he could read the secrets of their lives.
Over four hundred years later, God told the descendents of Joseph and his brothers that He was going to give them a land that others live in because those people were practicing divination along with other acts of which God did not approve. Their degree of iniquity had come to its full.
Israel did not heed God’s command to abstain from divination for we read that the divining rod was in use in Hosea’s day. “My people ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God.” (Hosea 4:12).
King Ahaziah of Israel sent messengers to Ekron, a city of the Philistines, to inquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron, as to whether the king would recover from his injuries. Elijah was sent of God to intercept those servants of the King and he asked them this question: (II Kings 1:3 NIV) “…Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going off to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?” The servants returned to the King who then sent fifty soldiers to bring Elijah to him. God sent fire down from heaven and consumed the fifty soldiers. The king sent another fifty and again fire consumed them. The next fifty asked Elijah for mercy and Elijah went with them to the King with a message from God. Elijah told the King that he would not get up from his bed because he inquired of Baalzebub and did not inquire of the God of Israel. (II Kings, chapter 1).
King Nebuchadnezzar was at a division in the road he was traveling with his army. He could proceed to Egypt or he could travel toward Jerusalem. He did not know which way to go first, so he had an animal killed and “read the liver” as a method of divination.
(Ezekiel. 21:21).
The use of various methods of divining has been presented such as the rod, cup and the liver. There are scores of other methods. Divination by astrology to establish medical diagnosis was also a common practice.
Is divining used in medical practice today? In the scientific method of medical care, divining is not used. It is used, however, by some of the “alternative” and “holistic” practitioners. This fact is to be found in the writings of those alternative disciplines. John Ankerberg and John Weldon in their book, Can You Trust Your Doctor? pp.100–101, lists the names of the different alternative healing disciplines that in their own literature state that some practitioners may use divining, these are: psychic healing, reflexology, herbal medicine, naturopathy, dowsing, iridology, color therapy, chiropractic, homeopathy, astrologic medicine, and therapeutic touch. The pendulum is the common method of divination. 7) Ankerberg, John; Weldon, John; Can You Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth and Hyatt, Brentwood, TN, 1991, pp. 100–101
The practice of divining using a rod, wand, or pendulum is ancient. No exact history is available to pin-point the start, but some drawings found in China show evidence of this practice at least in 1400 B.C. In the Bible (Deuteronomy. 18:9–14) which is dated around 1500 B.C., strong words of warning were given to the people of Israel concerning divining as they were about to enter Canaan. Divination was recorded in the Bible as having been used five hundred years prior to the writing of Deuteronomy 18. This passage does not state the method of divining that was practiced. In the Bible, it is recorded that divining by a staff was practiced in Israel around 750 B.C. (Hosea 4:12).
Divining with a rod can be considered the same act as using a pendulum. When was it first used in medical diagnosis? We do not know, but early in history the rod became connected with health and healing as evidenced by the following.
Greek Mythology shows ties to serpent power and the use of a “rod” when Apollo handed over to Hermes [Mercury] a magic wand. Homer, in his Odyssey, tells how this rod could send men’s souls to Hades or return them; it had power to bring winds and storms. Another name for it was “caduceus” and was shown as entwined with snakes. The rod was passed on to Aesculapius, the god of healing and has become the modern symbol of medicine.
The pendulum is one of the most frequently used methods of divination. It may be used in psychology to assess personality disorders; to make diagnosis in medical conditions; to choose treatments or medicinals; to find oil in the ground; to locate different metals in the earth, and most frequent of all, to find water underground.
Around 1900, a Catholic Priest, Alexis Mermet, who was a dowser for underground water and metals, concluded that dowsing should be able to be used in medical diagnosis for humans and animals as well. He wrote the book, How I Proceed in the Discovery of Near or Distant Water, Metals, Hidden Objects, and Illnesses. He makes the following statement, “I invented the method of ‘pendular diagnosis.’” 8) Bird, Christofer; The Divining Hand; New Age Press, P. O. Box 1216, Black Mountain, NC 28711, p. 289 It is unlikely that Mermet was really the first to use the pendulum in medical diagnosis, but at least he thought so.
A question was asked, why does a pendulum appear to react to a metallic substance or an underground water vein as well as to a simple act of thought–an action of the mind?
In 1806, a bright young German scientist, Johann Wilhelm Ritter, took up this question and while experimenting with a variety of pendulums on various metals, he noticed that the pendulum would swing in a specific pattern for each type of object over which it was suspended. He demonstrated that the swinging or rotating of the pendulum, when held at the top versus the bottom of an object, would give different directions of motion in the pendulum. He did this on the human body and mapped out different anatomical areas showing how the pendulum would spin in one direction and at other places it would reverse its direction of spinning. Because this reaction reminded him of magnetic characteristics he called this “polarity.”
Today, there are healers who teach that illness is a result of the polarity of an organ or of the body becoming disturbed and out of balance. They also teach that in order to bring healing, it is useful to apply magnets about the body. There are “magnetic healers” who apply magnets to the body to balance the polarity. Then there are other healers who do not consider polarity but apply magnets in various places for almost any symptom common to man. They may not have a philosophy as to how it works, but they say it works and that is good enough for them.
The philosopher, Frederick Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, explained it this way: “There was a ‘force’ in nature that could be revealed mechanically, chemically, electrically, magnetically, and also vitally.” 9) Ibid., p. 126 He concluded that when a pendulum is used by a “sensitive” operator it was possible to detect the force described. He believed there was a polarity throughout the universe which was the source of all substance.
Ritter, a member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences, in early 1800’s summarized it this way: “What we have, then, are the celestial movements themselves here repeated in microcosm. Could it be that the whole organism of the universe is reflected in the human body?”10) Ibid., p. 128
“What Ritter had stumbled upon at the start of the nineteenth century was the fact that a pendulum or dowsing rod could be used to extract pure information from the universe about any subject no matter how abstract or nebulous.” 11) Ibid., p. 129 The dowsing instrument would respond to the questions or commands of the dowser as long as it could be answered by a “yes” or “no.”
Many people have had very little contact with dowsing, or pendulum exposure, and may only have heard of one or two styles. If their experience has been that they have witnessed or heard only of positive responses from this particular technique, they may be convinced that there is some physical explanation for its function. A knowledge of the various ways pendulums are used will undermine confidence in there being a true physical explanation for the information obtained by their use. In Appendix D, I have included material on water witching. If you read the information presented there you will better understand my above comment.
Radionics, psychotronics, etc., involves the occult use of technology [various devices] and is not really dealing in heretofore undiscovered areas of undetected energy, but is rather dependent on the psychic ability of the operator. For example, radiesthesia is divination [not always recognized or admitted], and the same as using a rod or pendulum. Radionics is another name but really the same as radiesthesia, and is divination aided by a mechanical apparatus–Abrams box, black box or any one of the numerous machines used for such work coming under the modern title of radionics.
Some years ago I had a family come to my office in great distress. They had secured the services of a chiropractic physician who had sent a saliva specimen of their little girl to a lab that used a raidionic machine. The family was told that the machine made the diagnosis of acute leukemia. They were shaken and frightened. They asked my help in determining if this was so. The child had no symptoms that would have caused a physician to suspect such an illness. A blood count was ordered and done at a hospital laboratory. It was normal with no hint of leukemia. Their chiropractor physician had given them the diagnosis of leukemia, because the machine had diagnosed leukemia. (It is important to understand that not all chiropractors use or believe in radionics). The family did not understand what clinical and lab findings go with leukemia and my assurance that the child did not have the disease was not enough to relieve their fears.
I sent them to a pediatrician who had advanced training in leukemia. He agreed with me, but their doubts lingered. It took many months of normal life before they were free of the fear this wrong diagnosis had caused.
What concept of science did the chiropractor physician have that caused him to believe the machine? This introduces a belief that is common in the non-scientific world of health and healing, that of vibrational medicine. The radionic machine is said to be able to detect vibrations or frequencies from the saliva and if any disharmony is in the salivary vibrations, the machine can analyze in such a manner as to detect and diagnose the abnormality. Where does the idea that saliva has vibrations, or frequencies come from? How does vibration from saliva relate to an individual and make it possible for a machine to make a diagnosis of leukemia?
We have to return to the basic pagan belief that everything that exists has a common origin from a non-describable energy [vitalism] that is throughout the universe. This energy is said to be manifest in every living substance (some authors, writing on this subject, include inanimate substances), and that there is an aura of radiating energy that emanates and surrounds those substances. This radiating energy is believed to have a specific vibrational or electromagnetic frequency. If the particular frequency is off normal, it indicates an imbalance of energy. Electronic machines have been made that are supposed to detect the vibrational imbalance, ascertain the reason for the imbalance, and make a diagnosis. It is simply another form of divination. It is not true science. Vibrational Medicine is simply a synonym for Energy Medicine.
The following information is taken from Euro-American Health [http://www.e uroamericanhealth.com/eav.html]. An Article “Vibrational Medicine” tells about Electro Acupuncture according to Voll. This is a form of radionics using an electric acupuncture machine, a vial of medicine, and a person. The machine is supposed to detect electronic impulses from specific acupuncture points which in turn are said to originate from an organ that has meridian connections to this point. The machine is supposed to reveal low, normal, or high electronic vibrations from the organ. Low amplitude electronic vibration reveals a weak organ; a high signal reveals “inflammation.” The following quotes are from this article.
“Then, if you find an organ that has a low energy, for example, you insert a medicine contained in a vial into that circuit which consists of the patient, the medicine and the machine. If the medicine vibrates at the same frequency as the weak signal being tested, synchronizes, harmonizes, literally, electronically, with the low signal from the weak organ, the amplitude or strength of the signal will get higher as the two frequencies will superimpose and add together. Then you know that what is in the vial is the right medicine for that organ, for that Patient.” The article continues with the comment that the person doing the testing must be highly sensitive, that is, have high occult powers.
An article on the Internet by the American Cancer Society, exposing non-scientific alternative medical treatments, lists the following synonyms in regard to terms used by proponents of various alternative treatment methods: “Electromagnetism, Bioelectricity, Magnetic Field Therapy, Bioelectromagnetics, Bioenergy Therapy, BioResonance Tumor Therapy, Black Boxes, Energy Medicine, Electronic Devices; Electrical Devices, Zapping Machine, Rife Machine, Cell Com System.” 12) Cancer – Electra Magnetic Therapy These terms refer to names given by alternative healers to the energy they say comes from the body, which machines are said to be able to detect, diagnose, and/or treat for different medical disorders.
It is claimed by radionic practitioners that when electromagnetic frequencies, or energy fields, proclaimed to be within the body are unbalanced, disease and illness occur. The belief is that these imbalances disrupt the body’s chemical makeup. By applying electromagnetic energy from outside the body, either by the hands of a healer or by electronic devices, practitioners claim they can correct the electrical imbalances in the body.
Bio-resonance Frequency Therapy is another vibrational technique of recording a person’s voice and submitting it to machine analysis. It is claimed to check for nutritional imbalances, stress, and illness. The acoustical vocal recording is supposed to provide information so specific frequencies can be ascertained and returned, which are said to resonate and support the body. With this technique it is not necessary to make a diagnosis, as the frequencies imparted back to the body go to the core of the energy imbalance problem.
“Practitioners claim that these above mentioned methods can treat ulcers, headaches, burns, chronic pain, nerve disorders, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, gum infections, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, cerebral palsy, heart disease, and cancer. There is no scientific evidence to support any of the claims made for these devices.” 13) Ibid..,
I suggest that the reader do an Internet search for the term vibrational medicine, and read some of the 900,000 web sites available under this heading. The heading on one entry I found is as follows: “VIBRATIONAL MEDICINE, ENERGY MEDICINE, AND VIBRATIONAL RESONANCE.” As I looked through more than three hundred web sites, I soon realized that the term, “vibrational medicine,” is used in referring to any or all of the subjects I have presented in this book.
The following definitions are from the Alternative Health Dictionary. “vibrational medicine (energetic medicine, energetics medicine, energy medicine, subtle-energy medicine, vibrational healing, vibrational therapies): ‘Healing philosophy’ whose main ‘tenet’ is that humans are ‘dynamic energy systems’ (‘body/mind/spirit’ complexes) and reflect ‘evolutionary patterns’ of ‘soul growth.’ Its postulates include the following. (a) Health and illness originate in subtle energy systems, (b) These systems coordinate the ‘life-force’ and the ‘physical body.’ (c) Emotions, spirituality, and nutritional and environmental factors affect the ‘subtle energy systems.’ Vibrational medicine embraces acupuncture, aromatherapy, Bach flower therapy, chakra rebalancing, channeling, color breathing, color therapy, crystal healing, absent healing, Electroacupuncture According to Voll (EAV), etheric touch, flower essence therapy, homeopathy, Kirlian photography, laserpuncture, the laying on of hands, meridian therapy, mesmerism, moxibustion, orthomolecular medicine, Past-life Regression, Polarity Therapy, psychic healing, psychic surgery, radionics, the Simonton method, sonopuncture, Toning, Transcendental Meditation, and Therapeutic Touch. The expressions ‘energy healing,’ ‘energy work,’ and ‘energetic healing work’ appear synonymous with ‘vibrational medicine.’ ” 14) https://www.experiencefestival.com/
These vibrations, frequencies and auras that all objects are said to possess are not demonstrable by science in spite of using extremely sensitive instrumentation. This concept is found only in the writings of theosophy [pagan theology], occult writings, believers in vitalism, energy medicine, and New Age writings. True science is often quoted and there is an attempt to blend it into the vital force concept so that it looks like true science, but the connection is just not there.
Yes, sometimes the machine or pendulum makes a correct diagnosis, but mostly it is incorrect. If it is not true science, how can it be correct any time? How does divination give correct answers at any time or with any method? There is a power that directs divination, that is the power of demons or fallen angels. Because a machine gives a correct diagnosis at times does not prove it works by the laws of science. Because a method of treatment may seem to bring healing does not prove the method is following God’s laws of physics.
It is worth noting the conclusions of the Theosophical Research Center in its publication, The Mystery of Healing. “It is now admitted by those who use the various types of diagnostic machines associated with radiesthesia that for successful work it is necessary to have present a human operator of a special type [i.e., one with occult abilities]. It is also well known that some operators are more proficient than others, while in the case of certain people, the machine will not work at all.” 15) Wilson, Weldon; Occult Shock and Psychic Forces, Master Books, San Diego, CA, 1980, p. 198
In psychometry, an object that a person has handled such as a glass, book or anything else, can be taken and dowsed [using pendulum or radionic machine] to give answers to questions or determine the proclaimed energy imbalance in the person and so give answers as to how to treat for illness. A doll may be used to represent a person and the pendulum held over it to identify the location of illness.
The forms of divination used for medical reasons presented in the preceding pages are done on, or for, someone. They are not designed to be used by one’s self. The ouija board allows a person to divine for himself. If there are questions concerning health relating to diagnosis or treatment, these questions can be asked so as to receive a “yes” or “no” answer. The ouija board can spell out words and give numbers.
The ouija board is a flat board with the words yes on one side and no on the other. The letters of the alphabet are also on the face of the board, and numbers zero through nine are included.
There is a small heart-shaped board on which to place one’s hands. When questions are asked of the ouija board, the small heart-shaped board will slide and point with its tip to “yes” or “no,” to various letters so as to spell out words, or to the numbers, thereby answering the question asked.
The ouija board is frequently used in parties or at a gathering of people. This is a method of divination that began in Europe in the late 1700’s or early 1800’s. Baron Von Reichenback, a student of Mesmer, is credited by Garrison in History of Medicine p. 369, with initiating it. However, almost all techniques have an ancient history of use.
There is danger in consulting cultist physicians. …“Angels of God will preserve His people while they walk in the path of duty, but there is no assurance of such protection for those who deliberately venture upon Satan’s ground. An agent of the great deceiver will say and do anything to gain his object. It matters little whether he calls himself a ‘spiritualist,’ an ‘electric physician’, or a ‘magnetic healer.’ ” 16) White, E.G.; Evangelism, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View. CA, 1887, p. 607 Isaiah 8:19, 20 states it very plain: “And when they shall say unto you, seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards [diviners] that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”
Satan’s systems of deception start very innocently, then when our interest is developed we are led on to more involved practices, which in turn can lead to developing psychic powers and communication with spirit entities, animal entities, etc. Channeling allows for demonic possession of our minds and souls. The end result is loss of eternal life.
When so many different instruments and methods can be used to obtain answers to questions and to receive information that is requested, it becomes obvious that the instruments are only a ploy. The real reason is the connection between the mind of the one seeking information and the intelligence that gives the answers, namely Satan or his angels. This same situation is seen in the practice of the different martial arts derived from qi gong [manipulation of vital energy], or using a crystal to direct channeling of energy and spirits.
This method of divination, like crystals, seems to be a fast-track for contact with the spirits. Where there has been use of the board, it is not unusual to hear of strange physical phenomena occurring in the home or location of use. This may manifest by objects moving around the house, doors opening and closing with no one present, and many other physical manifestations.
The answers coming from divination are accurate and true many times, but at other times they lie. The devil uses these answers to his advantage and it may be an accurate answer so that he gains our interest and confidence. We can be sure that in the long run, his interest is in our destruction. The highest level and most deceptive divination is when man is led to believe he is communicating with the dead. “For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not any thing….” (Ecclesiastes 9:5).
Satan’s systems of deception start very innocently, then when our interest is developed we are led on to more involved practices, which in turn can lead to developing psychic powers and communication with spirit entities, animal entities, etc. Channeling allows for demonic possession of our minds and souls. The end result is loss of eternal life.
When so many different instruments and methods can be used to obtain answers to questions and to receive information that is requested, it becomes obvious that the instruments are only a ploy. The real reason is the connection between the mind of the one seeking information and the intelligence that gives the answers, namely Satan or his angels. This same situation is seen in the practice of the different martial arts derived from qi gong [manipulation of vital energy], or using a crystal to direct channeling of energy and spirits.
In the use of the pendulum, what can it do that scientific instruments cannot do? The pendulum can work from maps or dolls, and from long distances; it can find a vein of water or metal, making it possible to cover a considerable area in a rapid manner. It can diagnose and select the remedy. These things instrumentation cannot do. One can ask the pendulum questions and receive a “yes” or “no” answer.
It is interesting to note that the dowser’s ability may be blunted or turned off by his own doubts, or by the presence of someone who is a strong disbeliever. “The rod must be held with indifference, for if the mind is occupied by doubts, reasoning, or other operation that engages the animal spirits, it will divert their powers from being exerted in this process, in which their instrumentality is absolutely necessary: from whence it is that the rod constantly answers in the hands of peasants, women and children, who hold it simply without puzzling their minds with doubts and reasoning. What ever may be thought of this observation it is a very just one, and of great consequence in the practice of the rod.” 17) Hitching, Francis; Earth Magic, Morrow, NY, 1977, p. 196
It is obvious that the power and intelligence involved is not operating under the rules of our physical laws which do not vary and do not depend upon a sensitive person to demonstrate or utilize them. Ben Hester, in his book, Dowsing, an Exposé of Hidden Occult Forces, shares with us his and his two friends’ eight-year foray into searching for answers to the power behind water witching practices. He started as an avid believer that the power in dowsing could be explained and was seated in the science of physics that is yet unknown. His friends held the opposite opinion. They joined their talents, energy and time to pursue an exhaustive study and examination of the subject.
They examined a large volume of the writing and history of dowsing. What stood out was that those writers believing in the subject of dowsing tended to exclude negative remarks and this same trait of presenting only their bias seemed to prevail in books against the practice. There is a five-hundred-year history of writings in many languages telling of accomplishments and also books showing the failures of the practice. Throughout this period, the explanation for the power that often did work some outstanding feat of delivering knowledge could never be arrived at, or agreed upon by even the dowsers themselves.
Hester makes the following comment: “I had a nearly closed mind in favor of dowsing as a not-yet-understood physical phenomenon. The discovery of contradictions in the information from field interviews and written material on dowsing was the beginning. Once my eyes were opened to the fact of the truly supernatural aspect of dowsing and the fact that it had never been satisfactorily explained in the five hundred years of written material–even to the community of dowsers–my own questioning began.” 18) Hester, Ben; Dowsing an Exposé of Hidden Occult Forces, Leaves of Autumn
Books, Payson, AZ, 1982, p. ix–x
The answers found by Hester and his friends to the question of what power is involved in dowsing were “found to be shocking.” 19) Ibid., on exterior of back cover of book “When all the theories were compared, all the opinions evaluated, and all the contradictions considered, the ancient biblical condemnation of divination began to make sense. In fact the biblical description of dowsing, the death penalty imposed for practicing it, and the exposing of its power source is the only reasonable consideration to be found. It is the only explanation avoided in all dowsing literature.” 20) Ibid..,
The past two hundred years have seen contention between dowsers and science. Those involved in divination want so much to be able to show that their work is scientific, yet the proof has been elusive. It is an accepted truth that dowsing organizations admit and write that they have no explanation for the feats that they perform. The dowser sees it as a power that has yet to be discovered but is in the physical world, or some extra talent given to an individual as is music or other artistic ability.
The pagan and nature worshiper sees divination as an extension of his mind which has simply been expanded by a simple procedure. He believes that the intelligence of the universe rests within his mind and is only waiting to be released. The field of science that tests and observes for consistent results tends to see divination as trickery and chance, and to deny that a special power is involved.
There is a third explanation to be considered. The Bible-believing Christian reads the Bible and he is told of the power of Satan and his angels. The Christian sees two conflicting powers, the devil and his angels, and Christ, the Divine Son of God and His angels. The power of Satan does not always do evil; many times it will do good and marvelous acts to gain men’s loyalty. Eventually, man will suffer the consequences for choosing to follow and utilize the power of Satan, but it may not be until the judgment day. By accepting his power, we, in essence, choose him as our lord.
I believe the power and intelligence acting in divination to be of Satan. This power has intelligence to be able to answer “yes” or “no” to any question in the universe. It does not matter one twit as to the instrument used in the divination in obtaining the knowledge desired and sought. It has to do with giving the “will” of the diviner to this power. When the divining instrument “bobs,” indicating one-foot distance in America, but a meter in Europe, and this measurement is actually set by the mind of the dowser, there can be no other answer. When dowsing can be done over an individual, or from a saliva sample, a hair, or an object the individual has handled, from a thousand miles distant, there can be no other answer.
The Bible tells of the response of the Ephesians when they were converted and considered their interest in witchcraft prior to conversion. They made a bold move: “…Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.” 21) King James Bible, Acts 19:19
E.G. White shares the following comments on the acts of the Ephesians: “When the Ephesians were converted, they changed their habits and practices. Under the conviction of the Spirit of God, they acted with promptness, and laid bare all the mysteries of their witchcraft. They came and confessed, and showed their deeds, and their souls were filled with holy indignation because they had given such devotion to magic, and had so highly prized the books in which the rules of Satan’s devising had laid down the methods whereby they might practice witchcraft. They were determined to turn from the service of the evil one, and they brought their costly volumes and publicly burned them. Thus they made manifest their sincerity in turning to God….” 22) White, E.G.; Messages to Young People, Southern Pub. Assn., Nashville, TN, 1930, p. 275
Further comments were made by the same author in her book Messages to Young People: “Those treatises on divination contained rules and forms of communication with evil spirits. They were the regulations of the worship of Satan, ––directions for soliciting his help and obtaining information from him. By retaining these books, the disciples would have exposed themselves to temptation; by selling them they would have placed temptation in the way of others. They had renounced the kingdom of darkness, and they did not hesitate at any sacrifice to destroy its power. Thus the truth triumphed over men’s prejudices, their favorite pursuits, and their love of money.” 23) Ibid..,.
Christofer Bird, in his book The Divining Hand, tells of a miner and diviner of metals that would dowse with his arm outstretched and fist clenched. The arm would shake when near a vein of metal, and the whole body shook when he was directly over it. He was asked why he does not shake and vibrate when he is working in the mine and next to the vein all the time. He answered “If I do not ‘orient’ my thoughts specifically to finding a vein of ore, I get no reaction when I cross over a vein or work near one.” 24) Bird, Christofer, The Divining Hand; New Age Press, P. O. Box 1216, Black Mountain, NC, p. 110
A very common practice is to “witch” for water before a well is drilled or dug. (Witching is done most often by using a forked tree branch.) Many well drillers will not drill until someone has witched for water. There is a very strong belief in this practice, even within the Christian church. To suggest to people that the power in this act is of the occult, and not of science, is to ignite an argument. Those who have accepted dowsing as being scientific do not easily change their minds. It is believed that there is some physical force occurring between the tree branch, the person doing the witching, and the water in the ground. The explanation as to why some people can do it and others cannot, is that there are differences in the electrical activity in our bodies.
These explanations are wishful thinking. The science of physics has not been able to demonstrate any of these claims. The more one studies the variety of ways of witching for water, and divining for other objects or information, the easier it is to be persuaded that there is no physical explanation for divining. For instance, some utility crews will use two copper wires bent at a right angle and held in each hand. One part of the wire held in the hand will be at ninety-degrees to the ground, the other part bent at a ninety-degree angle so as to be horizontal to the ground. When a water or gas pipe is located underground, the horizontal wires will swing and cross, not dip down as is done with the tree branch.
Witching may be done with a forked stick, a strait rod, wires bent at a ninety-degree angle, a plain stick held in the palms of outstretched arms, a coin resting in the palm of the hand, outstretched hands alone, or just the mind with no tools of the trade. The stick may point up or down, it may vibrate or oscillate. The wires may turn inward or they may turn outward; they may also turn opposite each other as they are held in the hand. A wire may oscillate up and down, sideways, or in other modes of gyrations. The hand may shake; a coin in the palm may turn over. The stick may turn round and round in the palm of an out-stretched hand, or be thrown clear out of the diviner’s hands. When divining with no instrument, the taste of water may be the sign that water or whatever is being dowsed, is beneath the dowser. The diviner chooses what method he wants to use, and before he divines he decides the reaction that is to occur with his instrument.
Witching may be done from a map thousands of miles from the area of interest. It may be done for any substance, fluid, solid, mineral, or water. It can be done for any object on earth. It may even be done for an underground tunnel. Bird, in his book The Divining Hand, tells of the use of the divining rod by marines in Vietnam to find tunnels. Divining by map was used locate prisoners of war, and the location of prisons. Any question under the sun could be asked, and may receive an answer as long as it involves a “yes” or “no” response.

He took a bucket and turned it upside down using it for a stool. Sitting on the bucket he took a strong, stiff wire about a meter long, and bent a coil on the end to hold a light bulb. A bulb was placed in the coiled wire, and the wire was held on his knee, pointing out in front of his knee about seventy centimeters, with the light bulb on the end. He held a pencil in the other hand and placed a tablet on the free knee. The wire began to bend up and down causing the light bulb to rise and fall 8–10 inches. He would count the number of times it would flex till it stopped. When it stopped the wire began to bend back and forth in horizontal moves. After ten to twelve moves this way, the wire would stop and begin to bend up and down again. He counted the up and down moves, and he also counted the horizontal moves, recording them. The up and down moves represented one foot for each bend, and the horizontal moves represented the volume of water at that depth. The distance was thus calculated to each level where water would be found, and an estimate given for the volume at the different levels. I asked him why it was that in America each “bob” of the wire is counted as a foot and in Europe each “bob” of the wire is calculated as one meter? He had no answer.
Later I found the answer to the question. A relative came to visit whom I learned belonged to a dowsing club of “water witches.” I asked him the same question, and this is his answer: “That is no problem, a person doing the bobbing just determines in his mind what measurements he is going to use before he starts.”
Many who are involved in the divination for metal or water continue their attempts to find some scientific association or answer so that this activity will be accepted by the scientific world. However, there seems to be no common ground with science.
↑1 | The New Age Movement and Seventh-day Adventists, Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh–day Adventists, Hagerstown, MD, 1987 |
↑2 | Deuteronomy.18:9–14 |
↑3 | Ezekiel: 13:6–10 |
↑4 | Mirriam Webster Advanced Dictionary |
↑5 | Seventh-day Adventist Bible Dictionary |
↑6 | The Catholic Encyclopedia, p. 168 |
↑7 | Ankerberg, John; Weldon, John; Can You Trust Your Doctor?, Wolgemuth and Hyatt, Brentwood, TN, 1991, pp. 100–101 |
↑8 | Bird, Christofer; The Divining Hand; New Age Press, P. O. Box 1216, Black Mountain, NC 28711, p. 289 |
↑9 | Ibid., p. 126 |
↑10 | Ibid., p. 128 |
↑11 | Ibid., p. 129 |
↑12 | Cancer – Electra Magnetic Therapy |
↑13 | Ibid.., |
↑14 | https://www.experiencefestival.com/ |
↑15 | Wilson, Weldon; Occult Shock and Psychic Forces, Master Books, San Diego, CA, 1980, p. 198 |
↑16 | White, E.G.; Evangelism, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View. CA, 1887, p. 607 |
↑17 | Hitching, Francis; Earth Magic, Morrow, NY, 1977, p. 196 |
↑18 | Hester, Ben; Dowsing an Exposé of Hidden Occult Forces, Leaves of Autumn Books, Payson, AZ, 1982, p. ix–x |
↑19 | Ibid., on exterior of back cover of book |
↑20 | Ibid.., |
↑21 | King James Bible, Acts 19:19 |
↑22 | White, E.G.; Messages to Young People, Southern Pub. Assn., Nashville, TN, 1930, p. 275 |
↑23 | Ibid..,. |
↑24 | Bird, Christofer, The Divining Hand; New Age Press, P. O. Box 1216, Black Mountain, NC, p. 110 |