Neuro Emotional Technique

A member of the administrative team for the Health and Spirituality Research Network received a request to evaluate NET Therapy, an alternative healthcare treatment for anxiety and stress.  This therapy has been adopted by some chiropractors and other practitioners involved in alternative healing methodologies.  This particular therapy was unknown to the members of the team, so via the Internet we made a search for information on it.

We learned that this therapy was initiated by USA chiropractor Scott Walker D.C. in the 1980’s.  Starting in 1988, he began giving seminars teaching his technique to other chiropractors, acupuncturists, and various holistic-style practitioners.1)  Today there are more than 10,000 chiropractors, acupuncturists, and holistic therapists practicing NET Therapy in over 30 countries.2)

The mind-set of this group of practitioners is the premise that anxiety and mental stress can be a result of some physical and/or mental insult, aberration or trauma from the past.  It is said that this trauma can cause a spinal subluxation and/or a meridian imbalance which has been “lodged” or stored away in that part of the central nervous system which is outside of the brain.3)Ibid. A spinal “subluxation” is proclaimed to be a misalignment or displacement of the spinal vertebrae.  A “meridian imbalance” is said to be an imbalance in the flow of a hypothesized invisible “life energy”, or “life force”, which is said to flow along invisible pathways in the human body.  Rather than endeavoring to bring relief of anxiety by verbal counseling as a psychologist would do in psychotherapy, NET Therapy endeavors to bring relief by physical therapy acted upon the body’s hidden aberration in order to remove the stress that is regarded to have been stored or encapsulated in the spinal nerves.  It is claimed that this emotional stress and anxiety is relieved through physical NET therapy without the need for any psychology therapy involving counseling and cognitive processes.4)Ibid..

In the above scenario of NET Therapy, it is first necessary to locate the exact area in the peripheral nerves and/or “meridian system” where this emotional trauma is said to be encased and causing an energy “blockage”.  However, it must be noted that science has never been able to verify the that the claimed “meridian system” even exists.  In NET Therapy, the location of the claimed “blockage” is determined by utilizing a method of diagnostics referred to as “muscle testing”, similar to what is used in the alternative healing technique known as applied kinesiology.5)  This methodology has all the hallmarks of divination.

The technique of applied kinesiology/muscle testing was originated in 1964 by American chiropractor Dr. Goodhart D.C.  In the theory of NET Therapy, an improper nerve function claimed to be caused by a “subluxation” of the spinal vertebrae or by an imbalance of the “meridian system”, is said to alter the strength of muscles that are supposedly associated with the specific anatomical location of the emotional trauma encasement.  After the location of the encysted “memory of trauma” is determined through muscle testing diagnostics, therapy is then given by means of acupressure or acupuncture treatments; or by chiropractic adjustment of spinal subluxation.6)Ibid

Four points need to be expanded upon in critiquing this proclaimed healing modality:

Point 1.  The NET Therapy teaching that located in a person’s peripheral nervous system or meridian system* there can be a stored or encased subconscious memory of a past physical or psychological trauma.

Point 2.  Applied kinesiology’s muscle testing as a method of divination diagnostics.

Point 3.  Acupressure and acupuncture as a method of meridian therapy.

Point 4.  Chiropractic adjustment of hypothesized subluxations of the spine.

*science has not been able to demonstrate that a meridian system exists.

Before we explore the above four points pertaining to NET Therapy, it is prudent that we first briefly review the origin of the millennia-long teachings of Eastern religions and their doctrine of the existence of a mystical cosmic life force, which is a common denominator found in the above four listed subject points.

Eastern Religions and the Purported Existence of a Cosmic Life Force

Out of ancient Mesopotamian/Chaldean Babylon, probably prior to the language dispersion as related to in the Bible , there arose a counterfeit story of creation.  In this Babylonian narrative, the living Creator God is dispensed with, and instead a great dualistic cosmic force is considered as Creator.  All power, intelligence, wisdom and material substance—earth, cosmos, and man—is said to have its origin in this dualistic creator force.  According to Babylonian mysticism, when this two-sided force blended into ONENESS, then the cosmos, earth, and man came into being.  All created substance is said to be permeated by the flowing through of this cosmic force of a dualistic nature, often expressed in polar opposite pairs, such as “good and evil”; or as a “yin and yang” energy balance, as taught in Chinese mysticism.  The doctrine of Eastern religions teaches that if man will bring this proclaimed dualistic cosmic force/life force into a ONENESS within their body, mind and spirit, then they can escape the cycle of reincarnation.  At the death of the physical body, supposedly their immortal soul can enter Nirvana, a claimed state of blissful existence in the spirit realms of heaven.7)Steed, Ernest H.G., Two Be One; Logos International, Plainfield, N.J. 07060 This Eastern doctrine is a counterfeit of the biblical Creator God’s plan of salvation.

The doctrine of Eastern religions hypothesizes that the mystical cosmic life force exists within the human body.  This doctrine teaches that this force in the body can be enhanced by additional cosmic life energy obtained through mystical practices involving the slow rhythmic breathing in of air through the nose, and then slowly exhaling out through the mouth.  Western adaptations of Eastern mysticism, for example as found in the New Age movement, teach that this ritual breathing may be inhaled through either the nose or the mouth.  It is also taught that by various physical acts or exercises, for example Yoga or Tai-Chi, the flow of this energy or force through the body can be greatly facilitated.

Hinduism teaches that from the nose, the cosmic force flows through two hypothetical energy channels or paths and descends to the pelvis area.  Along the spine are said to be seven centers of cosmic force or energy concentration. These are called “chakras”, the lowest being at the base of the spine.  According to Hindu mysticism, the cosmic force sent to the pelvis will then ascend up the spine through the chakras, a process facilitated by the practice of Eastern-style meditation, spiritual yoga, and by physical hatha yoga exercises.  When the cosmic force, called “prana” in Hinduism, is concentrated in the crown chakra at the top of the head, it is said that escape from the cycle of reincarnation can be enabled and immortality realized.  At the death of the physical body, supposedly the liberated soul can experience and secure eternal Nirvana bliss in the heavenly spirit planes.  In Buddhism the “prana” cosmic force, or life energy, is called “virya”.

In the ancient Chinese system of spiritual philosophy, mysticism and religion called Taoism, this cosmic force is called “Chi”, also spelled as “Qi”.  It is taught that chi also comes into the body via air breathed in through the nose, but then it is supposedly distributed throughout the body via twelve hypothetical energy channels or paths called meridians.  The twelve meridians are described as being oriented parallel to the line of the body and the limbs, and are said to be part of a meridian system that includes perpendicular branches.  Buddhist meditation, martial arts, tai-chi, and various other physical practices, are used to purportedly maximize the flow of chi throughout the body.

According to the teachings of Eastern religions, man is believed to be a microcosm of the macrocosm (cosmos).  Thus all of the beliefs and practices of Eastern mysticism are strongly associated with astrology.  This connection is stated in the writings of Ayurveda, the ancient healing tradition of India; and also stated in the texts of traditional Chinese medicine.8)Gerson, Scott M.D.; Ayurveda, The Ancient Indian Healing Art; Element, Rockport, Mass.  1997, 9)McNamara, Sheila; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Basic Books, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers,  1996

The proclaimed existence of Eastern mysticism’s dualistic cosmic life force is the common denominator in the four points of interest in NET Therapy.  Within Eastern mysticism and Western occultism, there are many synonyms for the “cosmic force” energy.  Here are some of the more common:  life force, prana, vitya, chi, mana, orenda, The Force (star wars), bioplasma, odic force, orgone energy, animal magnetism, logos (Greek), Self, higher Self, supreme Self, consciousness, creative principle, Creator, presence, essence, vitalism, vibrational force, monism, universal intelligence, the Innate, God, I AM,  etc., etc.

Let us take up the four subject points of question in regard to NET Therapy.

Point 1:  Past physical or mental/emotional insults and trauma events can be stored in the body’s nerves or meridians, apart from being stored in the brain.

Through the millennia certain concepts have been developed apart from scientific proof, and by stating a concept in repetition it gradually becomes to be regarded as “fact”.  The prana/chi cosmic life force is believed to contain all the intelligence and power there is, and is said to flow through the human body; but supposedly it may become slowed, or even clogged.  NET Therapy postulates that if this force contains the memory of some trauma event and it gets “hung up” somewhere in the nerve anatomy, then it could remain there indefinitely, creating mental and emotional discord until released.  It is claimed that NET Therapy is a method to effectively release the supposed blocked life force and produce emotional healing.

Point 2:  Muscle Testing (Applied Kinesiology). 

In a prior dispatch, Dispatch # 28 on Splankna Therapy, the diagnostic technique of muscle testing was dealt with extensively by Eric Wilson. Here in this document on NET Therapy, only additional information will be highlighted.  Dispatch # 28 can be found in the “Network Dispatches” section on the website.  The Splankna Therapy dispatch is in the “2020” sub-section.  Here is a link to the Network Dispatches:

The book Can You Trust Your Doctor by John Weldon and John Ankerberg informs us that in 1964 a Michigan chiropractor called George Goodheart D.C. initiated the concept of muscle testing, also called applied kinesiology, as a diagnostic tool.10)Weldon, John, Ankerberg, John, Can You Trust Your Doctor the Complete Guide to New Age Medicine and Its Threat to Your Family, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc., Brentwood, TN. p.157 1997

Here is an excerpt from Weldon & Ankerberg’s book:

Doctors Pollack and Kravitz disclose the following information:

The originator of applied kinesiology is George Goodheart, a Michigan chiropractor, who has worked out elaborate charts showing the effect of specific nutrients and herbs upon specific organs, teeth, acupuncture meridians, and muscles.  These are extremely elaborate, and a major question is raised as to how such complex interrelationships could possibly be validated without the efforts of numerous researchers and the production of a great deal of published research.  When a major proponent of applied kinesiology was queried on this, he stated that Goodheart was psychic (personal communication) and developed his charts by this means. (433:310)* 11)Ibid.,. (bold emphasis added)

*The authors (Pollack and Kravitz) personally confirmed Goodheart’s psychic approach with Dr. William Jarvis, professor of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Loma Linda University Medical School, Loma Linda, CA; and president of the National Council Against Health Fraud.12)Ibid.,..

On page 154 of Can You Trust Your Doctor, we find the following answer as to how the proponents of muscle testing describe its method of working:

How Does It Claim To Work?:  Applied Kinesiology claims to induce proper structural and chemical-nutritional organization in the body, as well as “left-and-right-brain” hemisphere balance.  It claims to evaluate and correct problems of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, skeletal-musculature, and “meridian” systems, thereby maintaining health.  Its practices are believed to permit the even flow of cosmic energy throughout the body, thus nurturing individual organs and systems with the proper supply of chi energy.13)Ibid. p. 154  (bold emphasis added)

In applied kinesiology’s muscle testing methodology, we have the concept of cosmic energy being used for diagnostic purposes. This basically appears to be a method of divination.

Point 3:  Acupressure and Acupuncture Meridian Therapy.

NET Therapy claims that an emotional state of anxiety or stress may be caused by the hidden memory of a past emotional or physical aberration, and this trauma can be “lodged”, or “encapsulated”, somewhere in the peripheral nervous system outside of the brain.  Supposedly the location of the encapsulation trauma can be determined by the use of muscle testing.  According to the principles of NET Therapy, the healing of the emotional stress condition can be achieved by removing the encapsulated blockage, which simultaneously will also remove its associated unconscious hidden memory.  The actual treatment is by means of acupressure or acupuncture, or by chiropractic adjustment of a subluxation of the spine, or by a combination of both acupressure and chiropractic adjustment.

Acupressure is a method of supposedly restoring energy balance in the meridians by means of using a finger to apply pressure and gently massage upon the same “energy points” on the meridians that are treated by needle insertion in the ancient Chinese healing art of acupuncture.  In acupuncture, the energy balance is supposedly achieved by means of the insertion of tiny needles into those same energy points on the meridians.  In NET Therapy it is claimed that either acupressure or acupuncture therapy will bring about an energy balance and the correct flow of energy through in the meridians.  Proponents of NET Therapy also claim that the same energy flow restoration can be achieved by means of chiropractic spinal adjustment. A combination of acupressure and chiropractic adjustment may also be used.

In NET Therapy, the acupressure or acupuncture treatment will be done at the point in the meridian system that is supposed to correlate with the physical location of the hypothesized memory cyst.  Hidden memory trauma, muscle testing, the meridian system, the clearing of the lodged memory by acupressure or acupuncture on the body, all depend upon the hypothesis that there exists in factual reality a universal cosmic energy, and that this energy within the human body can be unblocked and balanced by means of therapy.  Yet none of this described concept of cosmic energy and its balancing has any science to support it.

Point 4:  Chiropractic adjustment of subluxations.

The fourth component of NET therapy, a chiropractic adjustment of the spine to correct subluxations, will now be reviewed.  Our prior reviews of muscle testing and meridians revealed that the history of their origin lay in ancient Chinese mysticism, and their spiritistic foundations were exposed.  We will now look at the history and nature of chiropractic subluxation and its spinal adjustment hypothesis.

Exploring the History of Chiropractic

In view of the fact that NET Therapy was formulated by a chiropractor and has primarily been adopted and promoted by a substantial number of chiropractic practitioners, it would be useful to investigate the origins of chiropractic to gain insight as to why NET Therapy appears to be an attractive healing methodology for this particular healthcare profession.

D.D. Palmer (1845-1913) is known as the founder of chiropractic, a system of therapy that endeavors to bring about healing by means of manipulating spinal vertebrae.  We may ask: What triggered the formulation of this popular therapy, and from where did this concept arise in D.D. Palmer’s mind?  In order to attempt to answer this question, we need to take close look at Palmer’s adult life.

The Secret History of Chiropractic, authored by Simon A. Senzon D.C., copyright 201414)Senzon, Simon A., The Secret History of Chiropractic—D.D. Palmer’s Spiritual Writing, The First Chiropractor Vol. 2 second Edition, Integral Altitude Publisher, 218 E. Chestnut St. Asheville, N.C. 28801,  (2014), will be the primary source for this discourse.  Senzon, a historical researcher of chiropractic  and graduate of Sherman College of Straight Chiropractic, was able to compile his book by means of accessing the archives of D.D. Palmer, which are kept in Davenport, Iowa, the city where Palmer first had his “magnetic healing practice” and laster his first chiropractic school.  Senzon had access to information that all other biographers of Palmer did not have, and from these archives certain secrets to chiropractic have been exposed.  Dr. Senzon is not a critic, but a promoter of chiropractic.  With his book he attempts to influence other chiropractors to return to the early philosophy brought forth by D.D. Palmer.  Those chiropractors who today closely follow the original mystical theories and methods of Palmer are known as chiropractors of the “straights” school of thinking.  In contrast, chiropractors who reject Palmer’s original mystical ideas are known as chiropractors of the “mixers” school of thinking.

Beginning in 1871, D.D. Palmer immersed himself in books on esoteric healing and spiritualism.15)Ibid. p. 1 He was a spiritualist and regularly attended spiritualism camp meetings in Clinton, Iowa.16)Ibid. p. 87 In addition to this interest, he was also attracted to Mesmerism (hypnotism).

As noted by Simon A. Senzon:

Spiritualism and Mesmerism became D.D.’s two primary roots.17)Ibid. p. 2

According to Senzon, D.D. Palmer developed a thriving business as a magnetic healer for 8 years in Davenport  Iowa, occupying a building with 22 treatment rooms.  Magnetic healing involved transmitting “cosmic life force” from the healer’s body, which supposedly passed out through the healer’s hands and fingers to the patient, to effect claimed healing.  This type of therapy is very similar to what is today called Reiki therapy, a popular New Age healing method.

We may ask:  What was it that directed Palmer’s attention from magnetic healing to begin a new discipline he called “Chiropractic”?  D.D. Palmer answers that question for us directly in his own words:

“My first knowledge of this old-new doctrine was received from Dr. Jim Atkinson who, about fifty years ago, lived in Davenport, Iowa, and who tried during his life-time to promulgate the principles now known as Chiropractic.  He failed, not because the principles were erroneous, but on account of the intellectuality of that time was not ready for this advancement.”18)Ibid. p. 92

Dr. Atkinson has frequently informed me that the replacing of the displaced vertebrae for the relief of human ills had been known and practiced by the ancient Egyptians for at least 3,000 years.”19)Ibid. p., 92  (bold emphasis added)

Who is “Dr. Jim Atkinson”?  He was a spirit entity that conversed with D.D. Palmer.20)Ibid. p. 85

Here are other statements made by D.D. Palmer:

“I occupy in chiropractic a similar position as did Mrs. Eddy in Christian Science.  Mrs. Eddy claimed to receive her ideas from the other world, and so do I.  She founded thereon a religion, so may I.  I am THE ONLY ONE IN CHIROPRACTIC WHO CAN DO SO.”21)Ibid. p. 106 (bold added)

“… but we must incorporate under the man who received the principles of chiropractic from the other world, who wrote the book of all chiropractic books, who today has much new matter, valuable, which is not contained in that book.”22)Ibid. p. 107

Now that it is established that chiropractic dogma originally came from a spirit entity, from “the other world,” we must be very careful to clearly recognize those teachings that are received from the “other world” of spirits, and then firmly avoid accepting them.

Previously in this article we mentioned a false story of creation that originated out of ancient pagan Babylon, and which subsequently traversed to many other parts of the world, especially the countries were Eastern religions developed.  In this creation narrative, a dualistic cosmic power blended to a status of ONENESS, and then supposedly this brought about the creation of the cosmos, the earth, and all life.  This cosmic life force power is proclaimed to exist within all of creation.

This concept of a cosmic life force power, which has several names, is the core foundation of all Eastern religions.  It is the central dogma found in ancient traditional Eastern spirituality and its health and well-being regimens, such as Eastern meditation, spiritual yoga, and hatha yoga exercises.  The hypothesized “cosmic life force” is the basis for the ancient traditional healing system of India known as Ayurveda medicine, which is closely related to the religion of Hinduism and its yoga principles.  In the core spirituality exercises and mystical practices of these Eastern disciplines, it is taught that the cosmic power, called prana in Hinduism, is taken into the body via ritual breathing.  This prana energy is then concentrated and supposedly distributed throughout the body via seven invisible “chakra” power centers that are claimed to be located along the spine and in the neck and head.  The prana energy is said to ascend from the base of the spine up to the top of the head.

In the traditional Chinese system of medicine affiliated with the Chinese philosophy and religion of Taoism, it is proclaimed that this cosmic power (called chi in Chinese) also comes via the breath, but is distributed through “meridians”, which are said to be mystical energy channels traversing the body.  Practices such as martial arts, which originated from Bohidharma a Buddhist monk bringing yoga to the Shaolin Temple in China in mid – 400’s A.D., along with the practices of Chinese meditation and acupuncture, are regarded to effect the proper flow of the cosmic power (chi).

The doctrine given to D.D. Palmer by “Dr. Atkinson” (Palmer’s spirit guide) proclaims that the cosmic power, which we have referred to in the above paragraphs, comes from the cosmos to man via the brain, and is then distributed throughout the body via the inter-vertebral nervous system.  It also teaches that if there was any slowing or blockage to the flow of the cosmic power through this nervous system, it would result in a disease condition.  According to Palmer and his spirit guide, all disease was a result of some sort of interference with the flow of this cosmic power, and correction or healing of disease would be achieved by releasing the obstruction of the energy flow.23)Ibid. p. 72  In this type of healing discipline, the blockage is said to occur from a “subluxation” or “misplaced vertebrae”.  Palmer’s therapy involves exerting a strong force on the spinal structure and its processes, a treatment known as a “manipulation” or “adjustment”.  This is done in order to correct misaligned vertebrae, thus supposedly affecting the flow of cosmic power, which D.D. Palmer called the “Innate”.

With modern CAT scans and the MRI imaging equipment of today, we can detect a one millimeter offset of the vertebrae, but Palmer’s purported “subluxations” cannot be found.  When a nerve is pressured and the electrical flow in it is interrupted, there are physical signs such as pain, numbness, loss of muscle strength, etc.  The so-called “subluxations” claimed by chiropractors of the “straights” school of chiropractic seem to be metaphysical in nature, as they have not been demonstrated to be physical by medical imaging machines.

There is a secret in chiropractic, and on page 77 of Senzon’s book that secret is disclosed:

The secret that underneath the science, the philosophy, and the practice of chiropractic is a spiritual teaching that is blatant and hidden at the same time.  (bold emphasis added)

This proclaimed cosmic power spoken of is considered the immortal soul and D. D. gives it the name “Innate“.24)Ibid. p. 79 (bold emphasis added)

D.D. Palmer tells us that:

The brain is a medium through which Innate manifests itself.  This intelligence pervades the Universe.  (bold emphasis added)

In this state or condition the soul, spirit, or Innate had passed out and away from the body, existing separate and distant from its earthly dwelling.25)Ibid. p. 94,95 (bold emphasis added)

Pages 139-201 of the referenced book by Simon Senzon D.C. contain quotations by D.D. Palmer that relate to the spirituality he saw associated with his chiropractic theory and practice.  Here are two of those quotations:

Through the spiritual, by communication, we may receive intelligence from other spirits in or out of bodies.

This linking together of the spiritual and physical makes it our duty to so keep the corporeal frame (spinal bones of body) in proper alignment that the spirit may manifest itself in a natural manner.  It is not only our inalienable right, but our moral duty, to become acquainted with the osseous and nervous makeup, that we may intelligently adjust any displaced portion of the skeletal frame; so that Innate (that portion of Universal Intelligence usually known as spirit) may manifest itself through, and take in a correct knowledge of, the material world.26)Ibid. p. 142 (bold emphasis added)

Not all chiropractors accept the spiritualistic dogma of the “Innate“, however it constitutes the back-bone of the chiropractic relationship to Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) Therapy.


All aspects of NET Therapy incorporate accepting the belief in, and the purported manipulation of, a presumed cosmic power or energy.  This mystical power or energy is called prana in Hin­duism, virya in Buddhism, chi in Taoism and traditional Chinese healing, and the Innate in the “straights” school of chiropractic thinking.  The teachings of pagan Hinduism advocates that the creative force, “prana”, flows through the body and is distributed by seven chakras, which are regarded to be mystical energy centers.  Ancient Chinese mysticism related to Taoism has the “chi” power flowing through twelve meridian channels oriented parallel to the line of the body and the limbs, with perpendicular sub-channels.  Western chiropractic of the straights school of thinking sees this cosmic “Innate” power as coming through the brain and distributed via inter-spinal nerves.  According to this chiropractic dogma, all disease is a result of an alteration in the proper flow of Innate due to “subluxations” (misaligned vertebrae).  Adjustment of vertebrae is supposed to correct the improper flow of the Innate, and health is said to return.

The followers of Eastern pagan religions believe that through various physical and spiritual practices (yoga, meditation, martial arts, etc.) a person is ultimately able to be infused by enough of this cosmic force to achieve immortality and eternity in state of Nirvana bliss in the spirit realms of the heavens.  These Eastern teachings are clearly not in harmony with the teachings of the Bible.

Biblical Perspectives on Mystical Healing Practices

The primary foundation of NET Therapy is the dogma that a mystical cosmic force or energy permeates the human body, and a condition of emotional stress and anxiety related to a past trauma will cause this energy to be rendered out-of-balance. In NET Therapy it is claimed that this cosmic energy can be put back into balance, and thus healing achieved, by means of the energy-balancing methodologies of acupressure or acupuncture, or chiropractic spinal adjustment associated with the “straights” school of chiropractic thinking.

The first commandment of the Ten Commandments states:

You shall have no other Gods before Me” {Exodus 20:3 NIV}.

The source of the dogma of the existence of a permeating cosmic energy has been shown to be the Eastern pagan religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism.  These religions advocate the worship of pagan deities and their idols.  Hinduism worships idols venerated as a pagan trinity of three primary gods, who are named Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma.  It also worships idols of a pantheon of dozens of lesser deities.  Buddhism worships idols of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, also known as “the Buddha”, who founded Buddhism. Gautuma Buddha had initially been a Hindu ascetic. Dissatisfied with his religion, he sought to reform Hinduism, but never actually rejected Hinduism’s pantheon of pagan gods.  Taoism worships a pagan trinity of three main deities who are named Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and Daode Tianzun. It also worships a pantheon of lesser deities and participates in the worship of ancestors.

Accepting therapies based on the mythical existence of a cosmic power advocated by the pantheistic dogma of pagan Eastern religions and their multiple deities, is in essence a form of “having other Gods before Me.”  In its fundamental nature, the Eastern dogma of a cosmic life force it is basically a Satanic doctrine.

Before the Children of Israel entered the promised land of Canaan, Moses gave specific instructions to the Israelites that they were to destroy all locations and physical objects associated with heathen worship.  They were to even erase the names of the locations where heathen deities had been worshiped:

1 These are the decrees and laws you must be careful to follow in the land that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, has given you to possess—as long as you live in the land. 2 Destroy completely all the places on the high mountains, on the hills and under every spreading tree, where the nations you are dispossessing worship their gods. 3 Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and burn their Asherah poles in the fire; cut down the idols of their gods and wipe out their names from those places. 4 You must not worship the Lord your God in their way. {Deuteronomy 12:1-4 NIV}

God did not want the Israelites to have any association whatsoever with pagan religions and their teachings and practices.  The word of God instructs us:  “Abstain from all appearance of evil” {1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV}.  Knowing that NET Therapy is founded upon the theories of pagan Eastern religions, it will be wise to abstain from all appearances of this type of therapy.

The Israelites were not to practice witchcraft of various types, or practice divination, or sorcery:

9 When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices his son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord, and because of these detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God.

14 The nations you will dispossess listen to those who practice sorcery or divination. But as for you, the Lord your God has not permitted you to do so.  {Deuteronomy 18:9-14 NIV}

It has been demonstrated that chiropractic had its origin in the mediumship practices of its founder D.D. Palmer, who received his knowledge of spinal subluxation and its adjustment by means of spiritualism communication with a spirit guide identified as the deceased physician “Dr. Jim Atkinson”.  The Bible is very clear that we are not to associate with the things of mediumship and spiritualism. In fact God regarded mediumship and spiritism to be so dangerous to the spirituality and well-being of His people that any Israelite found to be practicing these pagan arts was to be put to death:

A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.  {Leviticus 20:27 NIV}

A primary aspect of NET Therapy is the use of Applied Kinesiology’s muscle testing diagnostics as a means of locating exactly where the emotional trauma is supposedly encapsulated on the body’s energy meridians.  It has been demonstrated that this dogma had its origin in the “psychic” communication ability of chiropractor George Goodheart D.C., the founder of Applied Kinesiology.  Psychic communication is basically a “magic art” and a form of spirit communication with an abstract unidentified spirit.  Goodheart’s muscle testing diagnostic technique appears to be a form of divination, an activity which is condemned in the Bible.

Panentheism Knocking on the Adventist Door in the 1890’s

The Canaanites were specifically dispossessed of the land of Canaan because of their pagan religion practices and its spiritualism.  Today we have many “healing” practices that are based on the same deceptive pagan teachings of old, but now heralded with new names.  Central to those pagan practices of old which Moses spoke of, and now found in similar practices with new names, is the dogma of a cosmic energy, or life force, that supposedly permeates all substance and is believed to be the “Creative Principle” or “Creator”.

The alternative healing methodologies based on pagan teachings have become exceedingly deceptive, and of recent years have even infiltrated into Christianity in a substantial measure.  To a large extent this is a result of the use of the modern synonyms for this hypothesized cosmic power, names which at times are so similar to Christian terms that the person unschooled in this subject can become an easy prey.  Such was the situation in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s when John Harvey Kellogg M.D. promoted the concept of a transcendent cosmic power within the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Battle Creek Sanitarium constituency.

John Harvey Kellogg of Kellogg’s breakfast cereals fame was a very influential leader in the early years of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  He began teaching about the existence of an all-permeating cosmic force . His view was advocated on theological level as well as in the context of practical healing therapy, and it resulted in a near splitting of the early Adventist Church.  Within a few short years there was a total loss to the denomination of the famous Battle Creek Sanitarium medical institution, and many church leaders left the denomination.  What was his teaching that was so intrusive, deceptive and divisive?

Pantheism refers to the concept that the “Creator God” is not an individual Deity or a Trinity of three divine persons constituting a single unified Godhead.  Pantheism teaches that what is called “God” is in reality a immanent cosmic force or power, and that everything which exists is a constituent of this universal and all-encompassing pantheistic power identified as “God.”

Panentheism on the other hand says, yes, there is a living God, but he left a spark of himself within all his creation.  This was John Harvey Kellogg’s position.

Dr. Kellogg wrote The Living Temple, a book which promoting the concept of the “divine within”, the idea that the divine presence of God permeates all substance.

The teachings promoted by Dr. Kellogg were referred to as the “Alpha of heresy” by Ellen White.  It appears that today we are now experiencing at least a part of the “Omega” of heresy in the form of most of the popular alternative healing disciplines of our time, including NET Therapy.  These therapies have as their central component the proclaimed cosmic force/power/energy that Dr. Kellogg taught in his satanically-inspired book The Living Temple.


3 Ibid.
4 Ibid..
6 Ibid
7 Steed, Ernest H.G., Two Be One; Logos International, Plainfield, N.J. 07060
8 Gerson, Scott M.D.; Ayurveda, The Ancient Indian Healing Art; Element, Rockport, Mass.  1997
9 McNamara, Sheila; Traditional Chinese Medicine; Basic Books, A Division of HarperCollins Publishers,  1996
10 Weldon, John, Ankerberg, John, Can You Trust Your Doctor the Complete Guide to New Age Medicine and Its Threat to Your Family, Wolgemuth & Hyatt, Publishers, Inc., Brentwood, TN. p.157 1997
11 Ibid.,.
12 Ibid.,..
13 Ibid. p. 154
14 Senzon, Simon A., The Secret History of Chiropractic—D.D. Palmer’s Spiritual Writing, The First Chiropractor Vol. 2 second Edition, Integral Altitude Publisher, 218 E. Chestnut St. Asheville, N.C. 28801,  (2014)
15 Ibid. p. 1
16 Ibid. p. 87
17 Ibid. p. 2
18 Ibid. p. 92
19 Ibid. p., 92
20 Ibid. p. 85
21 Ibid. p. 106
22 Ibid. p. 107
23 Ibid. p. 72
24 Ibid. p. 79
25 Ibid. p. 94,95
26 Ibid. p. 142